Aging, An Issue of Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics
By Johannes D. Veldhuis, MD
240 pages
This unique issue examines the changes in endocrine function that occur with aging. Topics discussed include testosterone deficiency in older men, aging somatropic axis mechanisms, aging hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis, and thyrotopic axis adaptations.
Table of Contents
1. Thyrotropic-Axis Adaptations in Aging and Chronic Disease (Morris) 2. Perimenopausal Reproductive Endocrinology (Burger), Hale, Dennerstein and Robertson) 3. Osteopenia of Male Aging (Khosla and Riggs) 4. Mechanisms of Premature Menopause (Rebar) 5. Relative Testosterone Deficiency in Older Men: Clinical Definition and Presentation (Wang) 6. Sarcopenia of Male Aging (Nair) 7. Insights into Physiological Mechanisms of Relative Hypogonadism (Liu and Veldhuis) 8. IGFBP Adaptations (Frystyk and Orskov) 9. Utility of Ultrasensitive GH Assays in Aging-Related Hyposomatotropism (Iranmanesh) 10. Sex-Steroid Control of Aging GH Axis (Veldhuis and Miles) 11. GH Secretagogue Use in Older Adults (Bowers) 12. Testing Pituitary Function in Aging Individuals (Ghigo) 13. Corticotropic-Adrenal Axis In Aging (Chrousos and Vgantzas)