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Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Respiratory Disease, 5th Edition
By Terry Des Jardins, MEd, RRT and George G. Burton, MD, FACP, FCCP, FAARC
688 pages 237 ills
Trim size 7 15/16 X 10 in
Copyright 2006
The new edition of this popular text has been extensively revised to reflect the latest changes in the field. The introductory chapters address the fundamental skills and protocols necessary for clinical assessment. Each disease is presented in relation to one of six clinical scenarios: atelectasis, consolidation, increased alveolar-capillary membrane thickness, bronchospasm, excessive bronchial secretions, and distal airway and alveolar weakening. Students are provided with an illustration of the major alterations of the lungs, the etiology of the disease, an overview of clinical manifestations, a discussion of management, and a series of self-assessment questions.
Key Features
Emphasis on clinical scenarios that allows the student to better understand the diseases. It shows them why they are seeing what they are seeing and why certain treatment modalities are being used.
Focus on assessment and therapist-driven protocols (TDPs) so students can incorporate this into their care of patients.
Full-color insert that aids the reader in visualizing and understanding the pathophysiology of the diseases.
Clinical Manifestation Overview boxes that enable students to easily refer back to the most important information about the pathophysiologic mechanisms for each disorder of the lung and confirm that they have learned the key information.
Case studies that aid the student and the instructor in applying the fundamental information to the assessment and treatment of respiratory patients.
Twelve easily accessible appendices featuring commonly needed information such as abbreviations, equations, medications, hemodynamic measurements, and more.
New to this Edition
Two color design that engages the reader by highlighting different elements of the text and details within the line drawings.
Access to the Evolve Learning System that includes additional case studies, a PowerPoint presentation of lecture material, a test bank, an image collection, and Weblinks
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