1. Introduction 1
2. History 7
3. Epidemiology 16
4. Epidemiology: Global Perspective 55
5. Pathology 66
6. The Mycobacteria 102
7. Immunology of Tuberculosis 108
8. Genetic Susceptibility Parameters in Tuberculosis 124
9. Genetics of Susceptibility to Tuberculosis 143
10. Laboratory Diagnosis 160
11. The Tuberculin Skin Test 173
12. Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis Infection: Recent Advances and Future Directions 186
13. Roentgenographic Manifestations of Pulmonary Tuberculosis 200
14. Pulmonary Tuberculosis 217
15. Lower Lung Field Tuberculosis 22716. Endobronchial Tuberculosis 232
17. Tuberculosis Pleural Effusion 245
18. Silicotuberculosis 268
19. Abdominal Tuberculosis 275
xxiv Tuberculosis
20. Granulomatous Hepatitis 294
21. Neurological Tuberculosis 304
22. Tuberculosis and the Heart 330
23. Skeletal Tuberculosis 342
24. Musculoskeletal Manifestations of Tuberculosis 373
25. Cutaneous Tuberculosis 384
26. Lymph Node Tuberculosis 397
27. Tuberculosis in Otorhinolaryngology 410
28. Ocular Tuberculosis 420
29. Breast Tuberculosis 434
30. Tuberculosis in Pregnancy 441
31. Female Genital Tuberculosis 449
32. Genitourinary Tuberculosis 463
33. Tuberculosis in Chronic Renal Failure 479
34. Disseminated and Miliary Tuberculosis 493
35. Complications of Pulmonary Tuberculosis 519
36. Tuberculosis and Acute Lung Injury 532
37. Haematological Manifestations of Tuberculosis 542
38. Adrenocortical Reserve in Tuberculosis 553
39. Endocrine Implications of Tuberculosis 561
40. Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 574
Contributors xxv
41. Tuberculosis in Children 591
42. Diagnosis of Childhood Tuberculosis: Recent Advances and Applicability of New Tools 602
43. Surgical Aspects of Childhood Tuberculosis 615
44. Tuberculosis in Elderly 625
45. Tuberculosis in Health Care Workers 634
46. Nutrition and Tuberculosis 646
47. Reactivation and Reinfection Tuberculosis 656
48. Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections 665
49. Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis 682
50. Antituberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance 714
51. Evolution of Chemotherapeutic Regimens in the Treatment of Tuberculosis and
their Scientific Rationale 734
52. Treatment of Tuberculosis 751
53. Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection 776
54. Antituberculosis Treatment Induced Hepatotoxicity 783
55. Surgery for Pleuropulmonary Tuberculosis 796
56. DOTS: The Strategy that Ensures Cure of Tuberculosis 814
57. Directly Observed Therapy 827
58. The Role of Medical Colleges in Tuberculosis Control 839
59. Public-Private Mix for Tuberculosis Control 846
60. Building Partnerships for Tuberculosis Control 854
61. Non-Governmental Organizations and Tuberculosis Control 866
xxvi Tuberculosis
62. Global Tuberculosis Control: The Future Prospects 874
63. The Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programmme [RNTCP] 894
64. Tuberculosis Vaccine Development: Current Status and Future Expectations 918
65. Ethical and Legal Issues in Tuberculosis Control 947
66. Tuberculosis: Some Web-based Resources on the Internet 963
67. International Standards for Tuberculosis Care [ISTC] 980