- 內容介紹
Malignant Tumors of the Lung
Evidence-based Management
Sculier, Jean-Paul; Fry, Willard A. (Hrsg.)
2004, XIII, 442 p. 60 illus., 78 tabs., Geb.
Lung cancer is the neoplastic disease with the highest mortality numbers in the world. The disease is very common in industrialized countries. This textbook synthesizes the basic science of lung cancer with state-of-the-art accounts of diagnosis and treatment. Written by a distinguished panel of experts from Europe, Asia, and North America, it covers all of the most important fields: biology, pathology, epidemiology, screening, diagnosis, therapy, supportive care, and prognosis. All physicians caring for patients with lung cancer, especially surgeons, chest physicians, radiation oncologists, and medical oncologists, will find a wealth of information that meets their needs. Whenever possible, the principles of evidence-based medicine are followed by providing data from systematic reviews, meta-analyses, methodology-based guidelines, and randomized clinical trials.