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Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, 6th Edition
- 編號: 0-00000004431027919
- 作者:John D. Bancroft
- 原價-8300 - (熱賣價)7000 - 節省 ↓16%
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Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, 6th Edition
By John D. Bancroft and Marilyn Gamble
744 pages 230 ills
Trim size 7 7/16 X 9 11/16 in
Copyright 2008
Here's the latest edition of the leading reference work on histological techniques. This book is an essential and invaluable resource no matter what part you play in histological preparations and applications, whether you're a student or a highly experienced laboratory professional. This is a one stop reference book that will help you at the beginning of your career and which will remain valuable to you, even as you gain experience in daily practice.
Key Features
Contributions from almost 30 expert contributors involved in teaching, research and practice provide a well-rounded perspective.
Extensive summary tables, charts and boxes make reference easy
Color photomicrographs provide visual guidance on the latest techniques.
New to this Edition
Expanded coverage of immunohistochemistry helps you make optimal use of this crucial approach.
New coverage of molecular genetics as it applies to histopathological diagnoses.
5 brand new chapters on Ergonomics, Laser Capture, Tissue Microarray, GrossingTechniques, and Genetics keep you up to speed on the latest techniques.
New material on Quality Assurance and Audit facilitates day-to-day laboratory management.
Table of Contents
Managing the Laboratory Safety in the Laboratory Light Microscopy Fixation of Tissues The Gross Room/Surgical Cutup Tissue Processing Microtomy: Paraffin and Frozen How do Histological Stains Work? The Hematoxylins and Eosin Connective Tissues and Stains Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins and Nucleic Acids Pigments and MInerals Amyloid The Dispersed Neuroendocrine System, Cytoplasmic Granules, and other Organelles Microorganisms Bone Techniques in Neuropathology Enzyme Histochemistry and its Diagnostic Applications Immunohistochemical Techniques Immunohistochemistry Quality Control Immunohistochemistry Applications in Pathology Immunofluorescent Techniques Tissue Microarray Molecular Pathology--In Sits Hybridization Genetic Testing: Utilization of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) Laser Microdissection Plastic Embedding for Light Microscopy Electron Microscopy Quantitative Data from Microscopic Specimens Ergonomics Appendice
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