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Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 6th Edition - With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access
By Thomas E. Andreoli, MD, MACP, Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD, Charles C. J. Carpenter, MD, MACP and Robert C. Griggs, MD
1216 pages 460 ills
Trim size 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in
Copyright 2004
For over twenty years, Cecil Essentials of Medicine has been a trusted and respected name in medicine. The new, 6th Edition carries on this legacy, laying the groundwork for effective diagnosis and treatment and encapsulating the core of internal medicine in an easy-to-read format. From recent developments in genetics and immunology to innovations in therapeutic approaches, readers will find concise coverage of today's best concepts and techniques. The smart way to study! Elsevier titles STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
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• Access to a single cecilmedicine.com website - a unified gateway to Cecil Essentials of Medicine content and Cecil Textbook of Medicine content and PDA downloads. · Presents new material on molecular diagnostics and the molecular therapies now being used in practice. · Offers a new section, Men's Health, that covers erectile function and dysfunction, common tumors (penile, testicular, and prostate), and general health issues. · Includes a new chapter on Bioterrorism, in the Infectious Disease section. · Incorporates "Future Trends" boxes to highlight the scientific developments that will soon impact the clinical management of disease. · Uses an all-new full-color design, with new full-color figures and clinical photographs, to enhance readability and to better illustrate the presentation of common diseases. · Updates all of the references to focus on key journal articles. · Features the expertise of seven new section editors.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction to Molecular Medicine 1. Molecular Basis of Human Disease -- Loscalzo II. Decision-Making in Medical Practice 2. Evidence-based Medicine, Quality of Life, and the Cost of Medicine – Farajallah * Beland III. Cardiovascular Disease 3. Structure and Function of the Normal Heart and Blood Vessels – Awtry * Loscalzo 4. Evaluation of the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease – Awtry * Loscalzo 5. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease – Mendes * Loscalzo 6. Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy – Mendes * Loscalzo 7. Congenital Heart Disease – Mendes * Loscalzo 8. Acquired Valvular Heart Disease – Mendes * Loscalzo 9. Coronary Heart Disease – Awtry * Loscalzo 10. Cardiac Arrhythmias – Awtry * Loscalzo 11. Myocardial and Pericardial Disease – Mendes * Loscalzo 12. Other Cardiac Topics – Mendes * Loscalzo 13. Vascular Diseases and Hypertension – Awtry * Loscalzo IV. Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine 14. Approach to the Patient with Respiratory Disease – Slovis * Brigham 15. Anatomic and Physiologic Considerations – Slovis * Brigham 16. Diagnosis Techniques and Their Indications – Slovis * Brigham 17. Obstructive Lung Disease – Slovis * Brigham 18. Interstitial and Infiltrative Lung Disease – Slovis * Brigham 19. Disorders of the Pleural Space, Mediastinum, and Chest Wall – Slovis * Brigham 20. Neoplastic Disease of the Lung – Slovis * Brigham 21. Disordered Breathing – Slovis * Brigham 22. Environmental and Occupational Injury – Slovis * Brigham 23. Essentials of Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine – Slovis * Brigham 24. Elements of Renal Structure and Function – Chatoth 25. Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease – Barri * Shah 26. Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders – Andreoli * Abul-Ezz 27. Glomerular Diseases – Shah 28. Major Nonglomerular Disroders – Chatoh 29. Vascular Disorders of the Kidney – Barri 30. Acute Renal Failure – Shah 31. Chronic Renal Failure – Shah V. Gastrointestinal Disease – Mike Wolfe (lead author) 32. Common Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disease -- A. Abdominal Pain – Achkar B. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage – Zuccaro, Jr. C. Malabsorption – Soffer D. Diarrhaea – Soffer 33. Endoscopic and Radiographic Procedures – Vargo II 34. Diseases of the Esophagus -- Richter 35. Diseases of the Stomach and Duodenum -- Falk 36. Inflamatory Bowel Disease – Brzezinski 37. Neoplasms of the Gastrointestinal Tract – Burke 38. Diseases of the Pancreas – Conwell VI. Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System 39. Laboratory Tests in Liver Disease – Fallon * McGuire * Abrams * Arguedas 40. Jaundice – Fallon * McGuire * Abrams * Arguedas 41. Acute and Chronic Hepatitis – Fallon * McGuire * Abrams * Arguedas 42. Fulminant Hepatic Failure – Fallon * McGuire * Abrams * Arguedas 43. Cirrhosis of the Liver and Its Complications – Fallon * McGuire * Abrams * Arguedas 44. Neoplastic, Infiltrative, and Vascular Diseases of the Liver – Fallon * McGuire * Abrams * Arguedas 45. Disorders of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tract – Fallon * McGuire * Abrams * Arguedas VII. Hematologic Disease 46. Hematopoiesis and Hematopoietic Failure – Wang * Berliner 47. Clonal Disorders of the Hematopoietic Stem Cell – Wang * Berliner 48. Disorders of Red Blood Cells – Berliner 49. Clinical Disorders of Neutrophils – Berliner 50. Disorders of Lymphocytes – Lacy 51. Normal Hemostasis – Rinder 52. Disorders of Hemostasis: Bleeding – Rinder 53. Disorders of Hemostasis: Thrombosis – Rinder VIII. Oncologic Disease 54. Cancer Etiology: Oncogenes and Environmental/Toxic Factors – Desch 55. Cancer Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention – Griggs 56. Solid Tumors – Griggs * Desch 57. Complications of Cancer – Griggs 58. Principles of Cancer Treatment – Desch IX. Metabolic Disease – Reed Pyeritz 59.Eating Disorders – Herbert 60. Principles of Nutritional Support in Adult Patients – Herbert 61. Disorders of Lipid Metabolism – Herbert 62. Disorders of Metals and Metalloproteins – Herbert 63. Inherited Disorders of Connective Tissue – Herbert X. Endocrine Disease 64. Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis – Herman-Bonert 65. The Thyroid Gland – Herman-Bonert * Friedman 66. The Adrenal Gland – Friedman 67. Male Reproductive Endocrinology – Braunstein 68. Diabetes Mellitus – Barnett * Braunstein 69. Hypoglycemia – Barnett XI. Women’s Health 70. Women’s Health: General Concepts – Hodder * Taylor 71. Hormonal Influences on Women’s Health – Hodder * Taylor 72. Diseases Common in Women – Hodder * Taylor XI. Men’s Health – Joseph Smith (lead author) 73. Erectile Disfunction 74. Prostate Cancer 75. XII. Diseases of Bone and Bone Mineral Metabolism 76. Normal Physiology of Bone and Bone Minerals – Bringhurst 77. The Parathyroid Glands, Hypercalcemia, and Hypocalcemia – Finkelstein 78. Osteomalcia and Rickets – Bringhurst 79. Osteoporosis – Finkelstein 80. Paget’s Disease of Bone – Seton XIII. Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disease 81. Approach to the Patient with Rheumatic Disease – Korn 82. Rheumatoid Arthritis – Korn 83. Spondyloarthropathies – Merkel 84. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – Merkel 85. Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome – Merkel 86. Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) – Korn 87. Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies – Simms 88. Sjogren’s Syndrome – Merkel 89. Vasculitides --- Merkel 90. Crystal Arthropathies – Korn 91. Osteoarthritis – Simms 92. Nonarticular Soft Tissue Disorders – Simms 93. Rheumatic Manifestations of Systemic Disorders – Simms XIV Infectious Disease 94. Organisms That Infect Humans – Lederman 95. Host Defenses Against Infection – Salata * Terry Mylonakis 96. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases – Lederman 97. Antimicrobal Therapy – Lederman 98. Fever and Febrile Syndromes – Salata 99. Bacteremia –Salata 100. Infections of the Nervous System – Salata 101. Infections of the Head and Neck – Lederman 102. Infections of the Lower Respiratory Tract – Lederman 103. Infections of the Heart and Vessels – Lederman 104. Skin and Soft Tissue Infections – Lederman 105. Intra-Abdominal Abscess and Peritonitis – Lederman 106. Infectious Diarrhea – Lederman 107. Infections Involving Bones and Joints – Lederman 108. Infectious of the Urinary Tract – Lederman 109. Nosocomial Infections – Lederman 110. Bioterrorism – Robert Bradshaw (lead author) 111. Sexually Transmitted Diseases – Salatta 112. HIV Infection and the Acquired – Carpenter * Lederman 113. Immunodeficiency Syndrome 114. Infections in the Immunocompromised Host – Salata 115. Infectious Diseases of Travelers: Protozoal and Helminthic Infections – Salata XV. Neurologic Disease 116. Neurologic Evaluation of the Patient – Marshall 117. Disorders of Consciousness – Simon 118. Disorders of Sleep – Simon 119. Focal Brain Disease – Counihan 120. Dementia and Memory Disturbances – Marshall 121. Disorders of Mood and Behavior – Marshall 122. Disorders of Thermal Regulation – Simon 123. Headache, Neck Pain, and Other Painful Disorders – Counihan 124. Disorders of Vision and Hearing – Counihan 125. Dizziness – Simon 126. Disorders of the Motor System – Marshall 127. Developmental and Neurocutaneous Disorders – Griggs 128. Cerebrovascular Disease – Counihan 129. Trauma to Head and Spine – Simon 130. Epilepsy – Griggs 131. Central Nervous System Tumors – Griggs 132. Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System – Griggs * Simon 133. Demyelinating and Inflammatory – Griggs 134. Neuromuscular Diseases: Disorders of the Motor Neuron and Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Disease – Griggs 135. Muscle Diseases – Griggs 136. Neuromuscular Junction Disease – Griggs XVI. The Aging Patient – Bill Applegate (lead author) 137. The Biology of Aging – Lipschitz * Reis * Sullivan XVII. Substance Abuse 138. Alcohol and Substance Abuse – Ivor Benjamin (lead author)
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