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Pocket Oncology (Pocket Notebook Series) Spiral-bound 2014
Pocket Oncology (Pocket Notebook Series) Spiral-bound 2014
- 編號: 0-0--001451187629
- 作者:Michael Postow
- 原價-1500 - (熱賣價)1250 - 節省 ↓17%
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Pocket Oncology
Michael Postow
Alexander Drilon
Lee Krug
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN/: 9781451187625
Pocket Oncology, developed and edited by oncologists at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, is a simple, yet comprehensive, review of basic principles of cancer management. Prepared in the style and format of books in the popular Pocket Notebook series, Pocket Oncology is intended as a quick reference presented in easy to read bulleted text, and using diagrams and charts where appropriate. Each oncologic disease is presented on two facing pages that review initial clinical presentation, pathophysiology, staging, current standard of care treatments, and active areas of current research. Edited by Alexander Drilon and Michael Postow, the content of the book has been written by medical oncology fellows and each disease entity has been authoritatively reviewed by an oncologist with specific expertise in each subspecialty of oncology.
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