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Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians 10/E 2014
Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians 10/E 2014
- 編號: 0-0-00001455740063
- 作者:Dwight D. Bowman, MS, PhD
- 原價-3500 - (熱賣價)3000 - 節省 ↓14%
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Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians, 10th Edition
By Dwight D. Bowman, MS, PhD
432 Pages
Trim Size: 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in
Imprint: Saunders
ISBN: 978-1-4557-4006-2
Copyright: 2014
Georgis’ Parasitology for Veterinarians, 10th Edition provides current information on all parasites commonly encountered in veterinary medicine. Its primary focus is on parasites that infect major domestic species, such as dogs, cats, horses, pigs, and ruminants, but it also includes coverage of organisms that infect poultry, laboratory animals, and exotic species. This edition features chapters that cover arthropods, protozoans, and helminths, including their taxonomy and life cycles, as well as the clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment of each parasite’s infection or infestation. Other chapters include vector-borne diseases, antiparasitic drugs, diagnostic parasitology, histopathologic diagnosis, and a new chapter on vaccinations. No other book on this topic is so well-respected and so thorough. It’s the only parasitology reference that provides all the information you’ll need!
New to This Edition
NEW! New chapter covering the use and development of vaccines against parasites keeps you up to date with what’s currently happening in this area.
NEW! Expanded chapter on vector-borne diseases provides more in-depth detail on this topic and places more focus on bacterial parasites.
NEW! New diagrams illustrating the mode of action of the different classes of antiparasitics make the antiparasitic drug chapter more understandable.
NEW! Updated protozoa chapter includes newer taxonomy to ensure you have the latest information on this subject.
NEW! A new table in the arthropod chapter covering diseases transmitted by different ticks provides up-to-date information about these parasites.
.Key Features
The most comprehensive parasitology book on the market, written specifically for veterinarians, provides complete information on all parasites commonly encountered in veterinary medicine, as well as information about minor or rare parasites.
High-quality color photographs and illustrations make the process of identifying and treating parasites more accurate and efficient.
Updated drug tables offer the most current information on drugs, vaccinations, and parasticides.
Greek and Latin roots printed alphabetically on the inside front and back covers provide you with quick access to scientific names and terms.
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