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Medicolegal Reporting in Orthopaedic Trauma, 4th Edition 2010
- 編號: 0-0-000000000044306833X
- 作者:Michael A. Foy, BM, FRCS
- 原價-7800 - (熱賣價)5000 - 節省 ↓36%
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Medicolegal Reporting in Orthopaedic Trauma, 4th Edition
By Michael A. Foy, BM, FRCS and Phillip S. Fagg, MB, BS, FRCS
Hardcover Reference
560 Pages
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
ISBN: 978-0-443-06833-1
Copyright: 2010
A comprehensive guide to the preparation of medicolegal reports in the field of personal injury litigation following musculoskeletal trauma..
It provides prognostic information following musculoskeletal injuries and assists the clinician acting as an expert medical witness prepare the report.
Each of the chapters is devoted to different areas of injury and takes the reader through the full range of treatments, results and complications and how these impact on prognosis.
Collates data on treatment, results, complications from the relevant medical literature and review articles and saves the orthopaedic surgeon acting as an expert witness a lot of hours of unnecessary research.
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