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Handbook of Spine Surgery 2011
- 編號: 0-0000000001604064193
- 作者:Baaj / Mummaneni / Uribe / Vaccaro /
- 原價-4500 - (熱賣價)3000 - 節省 ↓33%
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Handbook of Spine Surgery
Publication Date: October 2011
512 pp, 169 illustrations
ISBN (Americas): 9781604064193
ISBN (EUR, Asia, Africa, AUS): 978160406419
Drawing on the experience of leaders in both neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery, Handbook of Spine Surgery is authoritative, concise, and portable - designed for use in a fast-paced clinical setting. Its coverage of both principles and techniques of contemporary spine surgery, including anatomy, pathology, procedures, and instrumentation, makes it highly useful as a refresher before surgery, an easily digestible study guide, or a daily companion for physicians caring for patients with spinal disorders.
Key Features:
•An easy-to-read, bullet-style format that provides readable but not overwhelming content
•Surgical Pearls that tap into the experiences of surgeons who have mastered that procedure
•Common Clinical Questions (with answers) at the end of each chapter that highlight topics frequently encountered in the operating room and on board exams
•Superb visual examples that illuminate the procedures described
•Helpful appendices that cover positioning, spinal orthoses, and scales and outcome measures
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