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Spinal Injections & Peripheral Nerve Blocks
- 編號: 0-00000000000014377221929
- 作者:Marc Huntoon, Honorio Benzon, MD
- 原價-5300 - (熱賣價)3800 - 節省 ↓28%
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Spinal Injections & Peripheral Nerve Blocks
Volume 4: A Volume in the Interventional and Neuromodulatory Techniques for Pain Management Series; (Expert Consult Premium Edition -- Enhanced Online Features and Print)
By Marc Huntoon, Honorio Benzon, MD, Samer Nauroze, MD and Timothy Deer, MD
Expert Consult Reference
264 Pages
Trim Size: 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in
Imprint: Saunders
ISBN: 978-1-4377-2219-2
Copyright: 2011
Spinal Injections & Peripheral Nerve Blocks - a volume in the new Interventional and Neuromodulatory Techniques for Pain Management series - presents state-of-the-art guidance on when and why these procedures should be performed, the mechanisms of action on pain, and current guidelines for practice. Honorio Benzon, MD; Marc Huntoon, MD; and Samer Nauroze, MD offer expert advice and scientific evidence supporting the use of spinal injections and sympathetic nerve blocks. Comprehensive, evidence-based coverage on selecting and performing these techniques - as well as weighing relative risks and complications - helps you ensure optimum outcomes. With access to the fully searchable text at www.expertconsult.com and procedural videos on Expert Consult, you'll have the detailed visual assistance you need right at your fingertips.
Key Features
Understand the rationale and scientific evidence behind spinal injections and sympathetic nerve blocks - when and why they should be performed, the mechanisms of action on pain, and current guidelines for practice - and master their execution.
Optimize outcomes, reduce complications, and minimize risks by adhering to current, evidence-based practice guidelines.
Apply the newest techniques in employing ultrasound, fluoroscopy and computed tomography (CT) to guide needle placement.
Quickly find the information you need in a user-friendly format with strictly templated chapters supplemented with illustrative line drawings, images, and treatment algorithms.
See how it's done through step-by-step procedural videos on Expert Consult.
Access the fully searchable contents at expertconsult.com.
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