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The Larynx , Hardbound
- 編號: 0-00078171994119
- 作者:Robert H. Ossoff DMD, MD
- 原價-7500 - (熱賣價)3000 - 節省 ↓60%
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- 內容介紹
The Larynx , Hardbound Author(s):
Robert H. Ossoff DMD, MD
Pub Date: 2003
Pages: 534
Illustrations: 352
Written and edited by recognized leaders in the field, The Larynx is the definitive reference on the diagnosis and management of laryngeal disorders. The book provides comprehensive, practical, state-of-the-art coverage of every clinically relevant aspect of the larynx--current diagnostic methods, principles and techniques of operative laryngoscopy, treatment of benign conditions, neurolaryngology, laryngeal cancer, trauma, pediatric laryngology, and evaluation and management of voice disorders. Also included are expert discussions of current controversies in laryngeal surgery. More than 300 illustrations complement the text.