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Goodheart's Photoguide of Common Skin Disorders Diagnosis and Management Hardbound
- 編號: 0-000000078173741199
- 作者:Herbert P Goodheart MD
- 原價-2300 - (熱賣價)900 - 節省 ↓61%
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Goodheart's Photoguide of Common Skin Disorders Diagnosis and Management Hardbound
Herbert P Goodheart MD
Edition: Second
ISBN: 0-7817-3741-9
Pub Date: March 2003
Pages: 576
Illustrations: 592
Trim Size: 8 1/2 x 11
'2004 BMA Book Competition Award Winner! Goodheart's Photo Guide to Common Skin Disorders, 2e received FIRST Prize in the Dermatology category of the BMA Book Competition.'
This easy-to-use reference helps practitioners quickly diagnose common skin disorders and determine appropriate treatment options. More than 500 full-color images speed diagnosis by showing the reader distinguishing characteristics of each disorder, as well as providing clear comparisons between similar looking conditions. Features of the text include formulary tables of leading topical agents and preparations by brand name, as well as patient handouts in English and Spanish. Basic dermatologic procedures are presented in a simple, easy-to-understand format, making this guide an invaluable reference for office surgery.
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