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Medically Important Fungi: A Guide to Identification, 5th Edition 2011
- 編號: 0-000000000001555816605
- 作者:Davise H. Larone
- 原價-3750 - (熱賣價)3300 - 節省 ↓12%
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Medically Important Fungi: A Guide to Identification, Fifth Edition
Author: Davise H. Larone
ISBN :978-1-55581-660-5
Number of Pages: 508
Publication Date: August 2011
Publisher: ASM Press
Now in its Fifth Edition, the highly acclaimed Medically Important Fungi continues to set the standard in its field. Clinical laboratories around the world depend on this for its superb illustrations of microscopic morphology that initiate step-by-step guidance along with textual descriptions, instructions on laboratory methods and on preparation and applications of useful media, and specific references for further information; all of which enable the user to approach the identification of medically important fungi with confidence. The unique organization of Medically Important Fungi compares similar organisms side by side, using photomicrographs, exquisite line drawings, and comparative tables to illustrate critical characteristics and distinctions. The book avoids technical jargon in favor of clear, straightforward explanations that enable everyone—from novices to experienced lab technologists—to support best medical care with accurate identification of fungi.
Medically Important Fungi begins with a helpful guide to using the book and then divides the process of identification into four sections. Part I discusses the direct microscopic examination of clinical pathology specimens, while Part II extensively covers the identification of individual species in culture. Part III—new to this edition—presents the basics of the molecular approach to fungal identification from classic methods to the latest techniques, including explanation of terminology used, amplification and sequence- and non-sequence-based methods, applications of DNA sequencing, and commercial platforms. Part IV carefully directs readers through essential laboratory procedures, staining methods, and media.
The book also features extensive color plates illustrating tissue reactions to fungal infection, characteristic fungal morphology both in stained tissue and as growing colonies, and concludes with an illustrated glossary, a newly expanded bibliography, and a list of useful websites.
New to the Fifth Edition
· Comprehensive update and revision of all material
· Adds a section explaining molecular techniques used for fungal identification
· Includes five new organisms plus updated information on all other organisms discussed in the book
· Offers new laboratory procedures, media, color plates, tables, drawings, and photomicrographs
· Introduces a new section containing useful websites
· Provides an expanded bibliography
Key Features
· Enables readers to confidently identify fungi
· Helps readers distinguish between fungi that display similar characteristics
· Introduces readers to molecular methods used to identify fungi
· Supports identification via color plates, line drawings, photomicrographs, and references to literature and websites
· Sets forth safety precautions to protect the health of workers in the laboratory
· Brings the book thoroughly up to date with all the latest nomenclature, procedures, and laboratory practices
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