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Breast Cancer Management Application of Clinical and Translational
- 編號: 0-000078174131911
- 作者:Jean-Marc Nabholtz MD, MSc
- 原價-5000 - (熱賣價)1000 - 節省 ↓80%
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- 內容介紹
Breast Cancer Management Application of Clinical and Translational Evidence to Patient Care, Hardbound
Edition: Second
ISBN: 0-7817-4131-9
Pub Date: 2003
Pages: 550
Illustrations: 47
The all-new Second Edition of this groundbreaking volume reviews the results of today's most current breast cancer clinical trials worldwide and highlights the clinical implications of recent breakthroughs in translational and molecular research. The book helps practitioners make sense of the latest trial results and develop sound, evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Coverage includes clinical trial data published up to 2002 on all treatment modalities--including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormones--and comprehensive drug information to help clinicians choose the most appropriate chemotherapeutic regimen. Levels of evidence are indicated to help practitioners assess the weight of evidence on efficacy and toxicity for each treatment.
This edition places greater emphasis on the genetic aspects of breast cancer and their relevance to prevention and treatment. Ten new chapters cover topics such as Basic Biology of the Metastatic Process: Clinical Implications; Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor: Biology and New Therapeutics; Steroid and Growth Factor Receptors: Cross-Talk and Clinical Implications; and The Cell Cycle and Breast Cancer Therapeutics.
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