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The Treatment of Epilepsy Principles and Practice Hardbound 4/E
- 編號: 0-0000000078174995619
- 作者:Elaine Wyllie MD
- 原價-3500 - (熱賣價)900 - 節省 ↓74%
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The Treatment of Epilepsy Principles and Practice Hardbound
Elaine Wyllie MD
Ajay Gupta MD
Deepak K Lachhwani MBBS, MD
Edition: Fourth
ISBN: 0-7817-4995-6
Pub Date: 2006
Pages: 1180
Illustrations: 279
Trim Size:Thoroughly updated, the Fourth Edition of The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice remains the most comprehensive single-volume clinical reference on the epilepsies. In one convenient source, the book provides a broad, detailed, and cohesive overview of seizure disorders and contemporary treatment options, bringing together the most vital work in the neurosciences, genetics, electroencephalography, pediatric and adult neurology, neuropharmacology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry.
This edition includes a new chapter on the pharmacogenetics of antiepileptic medications, complete information on new drugs, and current guidelines for use of older drugs. Other chapters present fresh new material on epilepsy surgery and neuroimaging.
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