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Dermoscopy, 2nd Edition
- 編號: 0-0000000000007234359219
- 作者:H. Peter Soyer, MD
- 原價-2900 - (熱賣價)2100 - 節省 ↓28%
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Dermoscopy, 2nd Edition
The Essentials: Expert Consult - Online and Print
By H. Peter Soyer, MD, FACD, Giuseppe Argenziano, MD, Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof, MD and Iris Zalaudek, MD
Expert Consult Reference
248 Pages
Trim Size: 7 7/16 X 9 11/16 in
Imprint: Saunders Ltd.
ISBN: 978-0-7234-3592-1
Copyright: 2012
Dermoscopy: The Essentials presents the practical guidance you need to master this highly effective, cheaper, and less invasive alternative to biopsy. Drs. Peter Soyer, Giuseppe Argenziano, Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof, and Iris Zalaudek explain all aspects of performing dermoscopy and interpreting results. With approximately 50% new clinical and dermoscopic images, valuable pearls and checklists, and access to the fully searchable text online at www.expertconsult.com, you'll have everything you need to diagnose earlier and more accurately.
Key Features
Avoid diagnostic pitfalls through pearls that explain how to accurately use dermoscopy and highlight common mistakes.
Master all aspects of performing dermoscopy and interpreting the results with easy-to-use "traffic light" systems and checklists for quick and effective learning.
New to This Edition
Access the fully searchable text online at www.expertconsult.com, along with a downloadable image gallery.
Diagnose more accurately using the expanded section on testing tools for extra guidance on difficult cases.
Gain a better visual understanding with approximately 50% new clinical and dermoscopic images that depict the appearance of benign and malignant lesions and feature arrows and labels to highlight important manifestations.
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