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Small Animal Oncology - An Introduction
- 編號: 0-0000000000702028007
- 作者:Susan M. North, BSc(Hons)
- 原價-4250 - (熱賣價)3740 - 節省 ↓12%
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Small Animal Oncology - An Introduction
By Susan M. North, BSc(Hons), PhD, DVM, DipACVIM(Med Onc), DipECVIM-CA(Int Med and Med Onc), MRCVS and Tania Ann Banks, BVsc, FACVSc(Small Animal Surgery), MRCVS
304 pages
Copyright 2009
A highly practical guide suitable for in-clinic reference, Small Animal Oncology has been designed for maximum ease of use and accessibility of information. Whilst giving clear and up-to-date briefing for the busy practitioner, it also is a valuable resource to the student with a special interest in oncology. This Introduction gives an overview of cancer biology and explains the principles of available therapies. There is up to date discussion on new and developing techniques and treatments, and guidance on when these are indicated. The book covers all common, most less common and some rare aspects of small animal oncology.
Key Features
accompanying Evolve website includes over 20 clinical cases to try your knowledge
all-round practical, useful, every day essential guide to small animal oncology
schematic approach gives quick access to information when you need it
explains biology and the basic principles as well as indicating treatment options
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