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Surgical Pathology Dissection: An Illustrated Guide
- 編號: 0-0000000003879555939
- 作者: Westra, William H
- 原價-3500 - (熱賣價)3000 - 節省 ↓14%
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Surgical Pathology Dissection: An Illustrated Guide
by Westra, William H. ; Hruban, Ralph H. ; Phelps, Timothy H.
0387955593 / 9780387955599
Edition 2 , 2003 , SPRINGER
Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD. Text serves as a fully illustrated guide to the preparations, dissection, and handling of surgical pathology tissue specimens. Includes new chapters on transplantation and preparation of tissues for molecular analysis. For surgical pathologists and residents. Previous edition: c1996. Softcover