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Obesity and Diabetes 2009
- 編號: 0-00000000004705198199
- 作者:Barnett, Anthony H
- 原價-3500 - (熱賣價)2700 - 節省 ↓23%
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Obesity and Diabetes :
by Barnett, Anthony H. ; Kumar, Sudhesh
0470519819 / 9780470519813
LC class: RC628.O226 number: 2008047104 NLM class: WK 840
Edition 2 , 2009 , WILEY JOHN & SONS INC
Diabetes in Practice> Univ. of Birmingham, UK. Focuses on the link between diabetes and obesity. This edition features new chapters on obesity management in ethnic minorities and obesity issues in the workplace, and describes a contemporary approach to the clinical assessment of obesity. For clinicians. Previous edition: c2004
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