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Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas
- 編號: 0-000000072169318019
- 作者:Robert D. Odze
- 原價-9500 - (熱賣價)1500 - 節省 ↓84%
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Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas
By Robert D. Odze, MD, FRCP(C), John R. Goldblum, MD and James M. Crawford, MD, PhD
Approx. 1088 pages, Approx. 1400 illustrations,
Copyright 2004
This one-of-a-kind resource brings together all three "gastrointestinal" organ systems into one textbook of surgical and medical disorders of the GI tract, liver, billiary tract and pancreas. With a strong foundation in morphology, it offers a comprehensive and practical guide to the interpretation of endoscopic biopsies and resection specimens of the alimentary tract and related solid organs. In addition, chapters outline the current clinical approach to management and treatment options, wherever applicable, particularly regarding screening and surveillance recommendations for preneoplastic disorders. You will also find that diseases integrate key pathologic findings with relevant cytologic and genetic information necessary in order to establish an accurate diagnosis.
Key Features
· Emphasizes key histologic features necessary to assist in the identification of diseases based upon evaluation of biopsy and resection specimens. · Information reflects new understanding of the molecular/phenotypic origin of many disorders. · Integrates complementary diagnostic methods such as immunohistochemistry, molecular diagnostics, and cytology with pathologic features. · Discusses the up-to-date and controversial aspects of the "hottest" topics in the field. · Includes separate chapters on diagnostic cytology of the GI tract, liver, billiary tract and pancreas. · Features the expertise of three renowned specialists and more than 50 distinguished contributors. · Covers the differential diagnosis of most disorders in an algorithmic manner with abundant high quality color photographs. · Organizes disease categories and chapters in a user-friendly manner in order to facilitate quick access to diagnostic features on specific disease entities.
Table of Contents
Title PART I GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Section 1 General Pathology of the GI Tract 1 Endoscopic and Tissue Processing Techniques 2 Diagnostic Cytology of the GI Tract 3 Infectious Diseases of the GI Tract 4 Immunodeficiency Disorders of the GI Tract 5 Systemic Illnesses Involving the GI Tract 6 Neural and Muscular Disorders of the GI Tract Section 2 Inflammatory Disorders of the GI Tract 7 Inflammatory Disorders of the Esophagus 8 Inflammatory Disorders of the Stomach 9 Inflammatory Disorders of the Small Intestine 10 Inflammatory Disorders of the Large Intestine 11 Inflammatory Disorders of the Appendix Section 3 Polyps of the GI Tract 12 Polyps of the Esophagus 13 Polyps of the Stomach 14 Polyps of the Small Intestine 15 Polyps of the Large Intestine Section 4 Epithelial Neoplasms of the GI Tract 16 Epithelial Neoplasms of the Esophagus 17 Epithelial Neoplasms of the Stomach 18 Epithelial Neoplasms of the Small Intestine 19 Epithelial Neoplasms of the Large Intestine 20 Epithelial Neoplasms of the Appendix Section 5 Nonepithelial Neoplasms of the GI Tract 21 Endocrine Tumors of the GI Tract 22 Mesenchymal Tumors of the GI Tract 23 Lymphoid Tumors of the GI Tract Section 6 Anal Pathology 24 Inflamatory and Neoplastic Disorders of the Anal Canal PART II GALLBLADDER, EXTRAHEPATIC BILIARY TRACT, AND PANCREAS 25 Tissue Processing Techniques 26 Diagnostic Cytology of the Pancreas and Extrahepatic Biliary Tract 27 Developmental Disorders of the Gallbladder, Extrahepatic Biliary Tract, and Pancreas 28 Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders of the Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Biliary Tract 29 Benign and Malignant Tumors of the Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Biliary Tract 30 Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders of the Pancreas 31 Benign and Malignant Tumors of the Pancreas PART III LIVER 32 Liver Tissue Processing 33 Diagnostic Cytology of the Liver 34 Acute and Chronic Hepatitis 35 Autoimmune and Cholestatic Disorders of the Liver 36 Toxic and Drug-Induced Disorders of the Liver 37 Cirrhosis 38 Vascular Disorders of the Liver 39 Transplantation Pathology of the Liver 40 Liver Pathology in Pregnancy 41 Inherited and Metabolic Disorders of the Liver 42 Benign and Malignant Tumors of the Liver
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