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Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2nd Edition
- 編號: 0-0000000014160568239
- 作者:Roger P. Smith, MD
- 原價-4500 - (熱賣價)3240 - 節省 ↓28%

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Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2nd Edition
By Roger P. Smith, MD

664 pages 450 ills
Trim size 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in
Copyright 2009
Gain easy visual access to the common conditions and problems most often encountered in obstetrics and gynecology practice! This resource pairs more than 250 exquisite Netter images with concise descriptions of the most current medical thinking on common diseases/conditions, diagnostics, treatments, and protocols for a single easy-to-use quick reference. New and expanded coverage including a new section on gynaecological and obstetric procedures, overviews of preventative women’s health, healthy pregnancy, and counseling place need-to-know guidance at your fingertips for regular office visits, while short reference lists cite graded evidence-based studies for more in-depth research. The result is a superb source for fast clinical reference as well as patient and staff education.

“An outstanding and practical book focusing on women’s health...Serves as a ready diagrammatic for discussions with patients in the office setting as well as a well-organized and succinct review of the major medical and surgical problems encountered in our specialty...We would highly suggest the purchase of Netter's Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health, an investment that will pay big dividends.” – Journal of Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology, review of the last edition

Key Features

Features concise text with standardized headings for quick access to expert medical thinking.

Presents more than 250 exquisite Netter and Netter-style illustrations that provide a quick and memorable overview of each disease.

New to this Edition

Presents topics of importance to obstetrics and gynecology practice, including common procedures, health maintenance schedules, healthy pregnancy check-ups, contraception, counseling, and other preventive care.
Includes an evidence-based reference list in each chapter, enabling you to research further into clinical studies with varying levels of evidence.
Includes coverage of pathophysiology, when important, for clinical management.
Table of Contents
SECTION I General Health Considerations and Counseling
1 Puberty: Normal Sequence 2 Health Maintenance: Ages 12–18 Years 3 Health Maintenance: Ages 19–39 Years 4 Contraception: Counseling Principles 5 Health Maintenance: Ages 40–64 Years 6 Health Maintenance: Ages 65 Years and Older

SECTION II Diseases, Disorders, and Common Problems
7 Abortion 8 Abuse: Physical and Sexual 9 Acne 10 Alzheimer’s Disease 11 Anemia 12 Anorectal Fistula 13 Anxiety 14 Asthma 15 Cholelithiasis 16 Constipation 17 Crohn’s Disease 18 Depression (Unipolar) 19 Diverticular Disease 20 Dysmenorrhea: Primary and Secondary] 21 Dyspareunia: Deep Thrust 22 Dysuria 23 Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia 24 Gastritis 25 Gastroesophageal Reflux 26 Hair Loss 27 Headache: Tension, Cluster, and Migraine 28 Hematuria 29 Hemorrhoids 30 Hyperthyroidism 31 Hypothyroidism 32 Infertility: General Considerations 33 Irritable Bowel Syndrome 34 Low Back Pain 35 Melanoma 36 Myofascial Syndromes 37 Obesity 38 Osteoporosis 39 Pessary Therapy 40 Postcoital Bleeding 41 Premenstrual Syndrome 42 Pruritus Ani 43 Rape and Rape Trauma Syndrome 44 Sexual Dysfunction: Libidinal and Orgasmic Dysfunction (Anorgasmia) 45 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Chancroid 46 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Chlamydia Trachomatis 47 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Condyloma Acuminata 48 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Gonorrhea 49 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis) 50 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Herpes 51 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Human Immunodeficiency Virus 52 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Human Papillomavirus 53 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Lymphogranuloma Venereum 54 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Molluscum Contagiosum 55 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Parasites 56 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Syphilis 57 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Trichomonas Vaginalis 58 Thrombophlebitis 59 Toxic Shock Syndrome 60 Ulcerative Colitis 61 Urinary Incontinence: Bypass, Overflow 62 Urinary Incontinence: Stress 63 Urinary Incontinence: Urge 64 Urinary Tract Infection 65 Urodynamics Testing 66 Varicose Veins

SECTION III Vulvar Disease
67 Bartholin’s Gland: Abscess/Infection 68 Bartholin’s Gland: Cysts 69 Contact Vulvitis 70 Dyspareunia: Insertional 71 Female Circumcision 72 Acne Inversa (Hidradenitis Suppurativa) 73 Hymenal Stenosis 74 Hyperplastic Vulvar Dystrophy (Squamous Cell Hyperplasia) 75 Imperforate Hymen 76 Labial Adhesions 77 Lichen Planus 78 Lichen Sclerosus 79 Vulvar Cancer 80 Vulvar Hematoma 81 Vulvar Lesions 82 Vulvar Vestibulitis

SECTION IV Vaginal Disease
83 Cystocele/Urethrocele 84 Enterocele 85 Fistulae: Gastrointestinal and Urinary Tract 86 Rectocele 87 Sarcoma Botryoides 88 Transverse Vaginal Septum 89 Vaginal Cysts 90 Vaginal Dryness 91 Vaginal Lacerations 92 Vaginal Prolapse 93 Vaginitis: Atrophic 94 Vaginitis: Bacterial (Nonspecific) and Bacterial Vaginosis 95 Vaginitis: Monilial 96 Vaginitis: Trichomonas

SECTION V Cervical Disease
97 Abnormal Pap Test Result: Atypical Squamous or Glandular Cells 98 Abnormal Pap Test Result: Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion and High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion 99 Carcinoma In Situ (Cervix) 100 Cervical Cancer 101 Cervical Erosion 102 Cervical Eversion 103 Cervical Polyps 104 Cervical Stenosis 105 Cervicitis 106 Nabothian Cysts

SECTION VI Uterine Pathology
107 Adenomyosis 108 Asherman’s Syndrome (Uterine Synechia) 109 Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding 110 Endometrial Cancer 111 Endometrial Hyperplasia: Simple and Complex 112 Endometrial Polyps 113 Endometritis 114 Hematometra 115 Intermenstrual Bleeding 116 Irregular Menstrual Periods 117 Menorrhagia 118 Postmenopausal Vaginal Bleeding 119 Sarcoma (Uterine) 120 Uterine Anomalies: Bicornuate, Septate, and Unicornuate Uterus 121 Uterine Leiomyomata 122 Uterine Prolapse

SECTION VII Adnexal Disease
123 Adenofibroma 124 Clear Cell Carcinoma 125 Dermoid Cyst 126 Dysgerminoma 127 Ectopic Pregnancy 128 Endometriosis 129 Epithelial Stromal Ovarian Tumors 130 Germ Cell Tumor 131 Granulosa Cell Tumors 132 Hydrosalpinx (Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) 133 Krukenberg Tumor 134 Mucinous Ovarian Cysts 135 Ovarian Cancer 136 Ovarian Cysts 137 Ovarian Fibroma 138 Ovarian Torsion 139 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 140 Pseudomyxoma Peritonei 141 Serous Ovarian Cysts 142 Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor (Arrhenoblastoma) 143 Transitional Cell (Brenner) Tumor

SECTION VIII Breast Diseases and Conditions
144 Breast: Accessory Nipples 145 Breast: Cancer 146 Breast: Cyst 147 Breast: Duct Ectasia 148 Breast: Fat Necrosis 149 Breast: Fibroadenoma 150 Breast: Fibrocystic Breast Change 151 Breast: Galactocele 152 Breast: Intraductal Papilloma 153 Breast: Mondor’s Disease 154 Breast: Nipple Discharge 155 Breast: Pain (Mastodynia, Mastalgia) 156 Galactorrhea 157 Mammography 158 Mastitis (Lactational) 159 Paget’s Disease of the Breast

SECTION IX Reproductive, Genetic, and Endocrine Conditions
160 Abortion: Recurrent 161 Amenorrhea: Primary 162 Amenorrhea: Secondary 163 Androgen Insensitivity (Resistance) Syndrome 164 Anovulation 165 Assisted Reproduction 166 Down Syndrome 167 Gonadal Dysgenesis 168 Hirsutism 169 Hyperprolactinemia 170 Infertility 171 Menopause 172 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 173 Puberty: Abnormal 174 Sexual Ambiguity 175 Sheehan’s Syndrome 176 Turner’s Syndrome 177 Uterine Agenesis 178 Vaginal Agenesis 179 Virilization

SECTION X Obstetrics: General Considerations
180 Preconceptional Care and Counseling 181 Routine Prenatal Care: First Trimester 182 Routine Prenatal Care: Second Trimester 183 Routine Prenatal Care: Third Trimester 184 Antepartum Fetal Testing 185 Biophysical Profile 186 Contraction Stress Testing 187 Doppler Flow Studies 188 Nonstress Testing 189 Fetal Heart Rate Testing: Bradycardia 190 Fetal Heart Rate Testing: Periodic Changes 191 Fetal Heart Rate Testing: Reduced Variability 192 Fetal Heart Rate Testing: Tachycardia 193 Breastfeeding (Lactation)

SECTION XI Obstetric Conditions and Concerns
194 Abnormalities of Placental Implantation 195 Active Management of Labor 196 Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy 197 Amniotic Fluid Embolism 198 Breast: Postpartum Engorgement 199 Breech Birth 200 Caput Succedaneum 201 Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy 202 Cervical Incompetence 203 Cholecystitis in Pregnancy 204 Chorioamnionitis 205 Depression: Postpartum 206 Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy 207 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 208 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 209 Gingivitis in Pregnancy 210 HELLP Syndrome 211 Hepatitis in Pregnancy 212 Hyperemesis Gravidarum 213 Intrauterine Growth Restriction 214 Multiple Gestation 215 Oligohydramnios 216 Placenta Previa 217 Placental Abruption 218 Polyhydramnios 219 Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia (Toxemia of Pregnancy) 220 Puerperal Infection 221 Rh Incompatibility 222 Shoulder Dystocia 223 Trauma in Pregnancy 224 Uterine Atony (Postpartum) 225 Uterine Inversion (Postpartum) 226 Uterine Rupture

SECTION XII Procedures
227 Amniocentesis 228 Aspiration of Breast Cyst 229 Bartholin’s Gland Cyst/Abscess Drainage 230 Bartholin’s Gland Marsupialization 231 Breast Biopsy: Core 232 Breast Biopsy: Open 233 Cervical Cerclage 234 Cervical Conization (Cold Knife) 235 Cervical Polypectomy 236 Chorionic Villus Sampling 237 Circumcision (Male; Newborn and Infant)2 238 Colposcopy 239 Cervical Cryocautery 240 Cystourethroscopy 241 Diaphragm Fitting 242 Dilation and Curettage 243 Endometrial Biopsy 244 Forceps-Aided Delivery 245 Hysteroscopy 246 Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Insertion 247 Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Removal 248 Cervical Conization (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure and Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone Conizations) 249 Pessary Fitting 250 Sonohysterography 251 Transvaginal Ultrasonography 252 Urodynamic Testing: Complex 253 Urodynamic Testing: Simple 254 Vacuum-Assisted Delivery

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