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Operative Pediatric Urology, 2nd Edition
Authors: J. David Frank, UK, John P. Gearhart, MD, and Howard M. Snyder III, MD,
Hard cover,
Pages: 300 pp.
Published Dated: 2002
ISBN: 0443053588
Comprehensively updated throughout, the new edition of this practical, technique-oriented atlas addresses a wide range of urologic disorders specific to pediatric patients. For each disorder, step-by-step discussions and illustrations lead readers from important background information through the latest ideas on indications*preparations*procedures*problems*and management.
1. Pyeloplasty
2. Ureteric reimplantation for vesico-ureteric reflux
3. Ureteric tailoring and psoas hitch reimplantation for uretero-vesical obstruction
4. Ureteric reimplantation of the megaureter
5. Endoscopic surgery of urethral valves and ureteroceles
6. Temporary urinary diversion (ureterostomy and vesicotomy)
7. Augmentation and substitution cystoplasty
8. Gastric augmentation
9. Continent urinary diversion
10. The ‘VQZ’ plasty for catheterizable stomas
11. Persistent cloaca
12. Geniitoplasty for congential adrenal hyperplasia
13. Hypospadias repair
14. Tubularized incised plate hypospadias repair
15. Hypospadias free grafts
16. Surgery of upper urinary tract duplication
17. Bladder surgery for ureteroceles reconstruction
18. Osteotomy in bladder exstrophy
19. Surgery of classic bladder exstrophy and epispadias
20. Bladder neck reconstruction for urinary incontinence
21. Wilms’ tumors
22. Standard orchidopexy techniques and microvacsular
23. Circumcision, urethral prolapse, penile torsion, buried penis, webbed penis and me