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Contemporary Therapy in Obstetrics and Gynacology
Scott B. Ransom, DO, MBA, FACOG, FACS
Vice President of Medical Affairs, Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Detroit Medical Center, Wayne State University, Huron Valley , Sinai Hospital, Commerce, MI
Mitchell P. Dombrowski, MD
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wayne State University, Hutzel Hospital, Detroit, MI
Mark Evans, MD
Professor and Chairman of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Professor of Human Genetics
Director, Fetal Therapy Program
MCP Hahnemann University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Kenneth Ginsburg, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Reproductive Endo and Infertility, Wayne State University, Hutzel Hospital, Detroit, MI
ISBN 0721692869 · Hardback · 670 Pages · 55 Illustrations
W.B. Saunders · Published April 2002
1. Walking During Labor: Myths and Realities
Tests for Preterm Labor
Management of HIV in Pregnancy
The Fetal Inflammatory Response Syndrome
Implications of Bacterial Vaginosis in Obstetrics
Controversies Involving Antenatal Corticosteroids
Rescue Cerclage for the Incompetent Cervix
Acute Therapy for Preterm Labor
Management of Isolated Oligohydramnios
Severe Prematurity: Implications and Counseling
P Management of Preeclampsia
Shoulder Dystocia
Recently Described Hereditary Thrombophilias and Obstetric Outcome
Vaccines in Pregnancy
VBAC: A Reevaluation
Update in Red Cell Isoimmunization
Pregnancy and Medical Complications of Diabetes
Operative Vaginal Delivery
Issues in Cervical Ripening/Labor Induction
Exercise in Pregnancy
Management of Asthma in Pregnancy
Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy
Fetal Lung Maturity Testing
Magnesium Sulfate as Fetal Therapy
Management of Epilepsy
Herpes Infections in Pregnancy
Maintenance Therapy Following Successful Arrest of Preterm Labor
Trauma in Pregnancy
Peri-Partum Pulmonary Edema
Medication Use During Pregnancy
Prevention of Group B Streptococcal Disease
Adolescent Pregnancy
Unintended Pregnancy
Selective Arterial Embolization in the Management of Obstetric Hemorrhage
Diagnosis and Management of Premature Rupture of the Membrane
Postpartum Endometritis
Management of Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Induction of Ovulation
Family Decision-Making in Perinatal Genetics
Ultrasound in Pregnancy Routine or by Indication
Fetal Macrosomia: Antenatal Diagnosis and Management
Invasive Procedure for Prenatal Diagnosis
New Genetics Concepts
Principles of Screening
1st Trimester Screening
2nd Trimester Screening
Universal Ultrasound
Cervical Length
Preimplantation Diagnosis
Gene Therapy Update
Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction
Sociology of Prenatal Diagnosis
Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction: Psychosocial and Family Issues
Molecular Tests
SERMs in the Long-Term Management of Postmenopausal Women
Alternatives of HRT for Menopausal Women
Current Issues in Premenstrual Syndrome
The Use of Facial Grafts
Contemporary Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
Alternatives to Conventional HRT
Prevention and Management of Adhesions
New Methods of Giving Progesterone: Are they better?
Advances in Surgical Technology
Obstetric and Gynecologic Infections
Adolescent Eating Disorders
Breast Disease
Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnancy
Contraceptive and Non-Contraceptive Health Benefits of Oral Contraceptives: An Update
Evaluation and Treatment of Anal Incontinence
Emergent Postcoital Contraception
New Advances in Management of Endometriosis
Contemporary Management of Leiomyomata
HRT in Breast Cancer Survivors
Management of Intraoperative Gynecologic Emergencies
Alternatives to Hysterectomy for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Complications of Hysteroscopy: Prevention, Recognition and Management
Substance Abuse in Pregnancy
Management of Iatrogenic Bleeding in Postmenopausal Women
Screening for Ovarian Cancer
Recent Advances in the Treatment of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
Update on Endometrial Ablation and Related Techniques
Guidelines for Determining the Route of Hysterectomy
Non-Surgical Treatments for Urinary Tract Incontinence
A Contemporary Evaluation and Conservative Management of Incontinence
Medical Therapy of Incontinence and Surgical Therapy of Incontinence
Periurethral Injectables
Office Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence
Perinatal Outcomes After Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Diabetes Mellitus
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Efficient and Effective Evaluation of Infertility
Progesterone in Infertility
Male Infertility: Interpreting the Semen Analysis
Tubal Surgery vs IVF: Where do we draw the line?
Unexplained Infertility: Management Options
Laparoscopic Management of the Adnexal Mass
Current Management of Ovarian Cancer
What's New in the Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
HPV and Genital Neoplasia
HIV and AIDS in Cervical Neoplasia
Premalignant Diseases of the Vulva and Vagina
Coding In Ob/Gyn
Current Legislation Effecting OB/GYN Practice
Applying Evidence Based Medicine to Ob/Gyn Practice
The History, Impact and Future of the Medicare Fee Schedule
What Are Employer/Payors Looking at in Ob/Gyn Practice
Cost-Benefit and Decision Making Analyses in Obstetrics and Gynecology
How to Give a Deposition
Medical Legal Risk Management in Obstetrics
Legal Issues in Infertility Therapy