Athletic Injuries of the Knee Anatomical Chart
Author(s): Anatomical Chart Company
Publication Date: Jun 16, 2009
Availability: IN STOCK
Format: Chart
ISBN/ISSN: 9780781786751
Athletic Injuries of the Knee is designed as a tool to help primary care and sports medicine practitioners and therapists explain anatomical and sports injury concepts to their patients and clients. This chart provides an overview of normal knee anatomy and common injuries and showcases 11 images which illustrate the mechanisms of knee injuries in the context of a human figure playing sports. The vibrant images are from the Anatomical Visual Guide to Sports Injuries and are listed below:
Pathological Knee Injury Images:
◎LCL Tear
◎MCL Tear
◎ACL Tear
◎PCL Tear
◎Patellar Tendinopathy: Shows tendinopathy at the following sites: distal quadriceps femoris tendon, distal pole of patella, patellar tendon insertion onto the tibial tubercle
◎Meniscus Tears: Shows bucket handle tear, vertical tear, radial tear, parrot beak tear, fraying/degenerative