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Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology Single Volume (Book with CD-ROM)
by Vincent T. Devita, Samuel Hellman, Steven A. Rosenberg
Hardcover - 3456 pages 6th edition (July 2001)
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers; ISBN: 0781722292 ; Dimensions (in inches): 3.61 x 11.33 x 8.85
Editorial Reviews
<:st> Earlier editions are cited in Brandon-Hill as an initial choice and a core work for the smallest of medical libraries. This is the new edition of a text that describes underlying recent clinical developments in oncology as well as complete information to aid the clinician in the panorama of clinical care ranging from cancer prevention to the care of the terminally ill patient. The initial contributions present a summary of the major areas of modern bioscience necessary for an understanding of recent developments in oncology. Subsequent sections discuss the specific scientific areas of greatest relevance to the oncologist, including new chapters on cytogenetics, the cell cycle, apoptosis, angiogenesis, the etiology of cancer, modern epidemiologic methods, and the incidence of and mortality from cancer; the specific, practical information needed for the management of each cancer patient; and future developments with special sections on gene and molecular therapy, vaccines, image-guided surgery, and proton beam radiation therapy. Each major treatment section is co-authored by a surgeon, a medical oncologist, and a radiation oncologist; and treatments are described in terms of the stage of presentation of the patient and the role of each modality. Edited by DeVita (director, Yale Cancer Center), Samuel Hellman (radiation and cellular oncology, U. of Chicago) and Steven A. Rosenberg (surgery, National Cancer Institute). Includes a CD-ROM version.