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Current Issues in Nursing, 7th Edition
By Perle Slavik Cowen, PhD, RN and Sue Moorhead, PhD, RN
896 pages 25 ills
Trim size 8 X 10 in
Copyright 2006
Current Issues in Nursing provides a forum for knowledgeable debate on the important issues that nurses face today. Through the past six editions it has provided information and viewpoints of developments that continue to impact the delivery of health care and the nursing profession. This book provides the opportunity to analyze conflicting viewpoints and to synthesize one's own thoughts on the demands being made on the nursing profession and the difficult issues affecting today's health care delivery. Comments from users and reviewers have continued to praise the book for its in-depth discussion of critical issues, solid organization of material, and encouragement of independent thinking.
"This book presents the challenges that nurses face in today's healthcare arena. To date, there is no other contemporary issues book that uses the viewpoint/debate format. None cover the breadth of topics that this book does. This edition fills a gap in current nursing issues texts." - Carole A. Kenner (University of Oklahoma College of Nursing), Doody Review Services
Key Features
Offers comprehensive and timely coverage of the issues affecting nursing education and practice.
Provides insights and analyses of over 100 well-known and respected nursing leaders.
Each section is presented in a consistent format beginning with an overview chapter, followed by a debate chapter, and concluding with several viewpoint chapters to present varying views of the topics.
Presents provocative and often controversial discussions in the viewpoint chapters to encourage the reader to think critically about the issues.
New to this Edition
Updated table of contents improves the flow of material.
A new section on violence prevention and care includes nine new chapters on cutting-edge topics such as terrorist events, homeland security, nursing in wars, bioterrorism, and much more.
Six new chapters focus on the overall quality improvement of nursing practice.
Three new chapters examine the evolution and expansion of the nursing profession.
Two new chapters address the definition and role of nursing in the current health care setting.
Two new chapters take a contemporary look at HIPPAA and the current health care cost trends.
Two new chapters explore educational trends developing in the nursing world.
A new chapters on employment and management issues including dealing with unions, health care systems, and patient to staff ratios
Table of Contents
Section 1 Definitions of Nursing
The richness of nursing
1. What is nursing and why do we ask?
2. Staff nurses working in hospitals: Who are they, what do they do, and what challenges do they face?
3. Clinical nurse specialists: Who are they, what do they do, and what challenges do they face?
4. Nurse practitioners: Who are they, what do they do, and what challenges do they face?
5. Nurse executives: Critical thinking for rapid change
6. Nursing faculty: Opportunities and challenges
7. Nurse researchers: Who are they, what do they do, and what challenges do they face?
Section 2 Changing Education
Nursing education in transition
8. The future of nursing education: Educational models for future care
9. Educational challenges: The crisis in quality
10. International graduate nursing education: A critical examination
11. Critical thinking: What is it and how do we teach it?
12. Collaborative institutional approaches to nursing education
13. Using academic-service collaborative partnerships to expand professional nursing programs
14. Integrating nursing theory, nursing research and nursing practice
15. Standardized terminologies and integrated information systems: Data into nursing knowledge
16. Electronic information and methods for improving education realities - assumptions
17. Web-based education
Section 3 Changing Practice
A nurse is not a nurse is not a nurse
18. Moving the care: From hospital to home
19. Adult health/medical-surgical nursing practice: Recent changes and current issues
20. Alternative and complementary therapies: Recent changes and current issues
21. Ambulatory care nursing: Challenges for the 21st century
22. Gerontological nursing: Recent changes and current issues
23. Hospice and palliative care: Recent changes and current issues
24. Parish nursing: Recent changes and current Issues
25. Pediatric nursing: Recent changes and current issues
26. Perinatal nursing: Recent changes and current issues
27. Perioperative nursing: Recent changes and current issues
28. Psychiatric nursing: Recent changes and current issues
29. Forensic nursing: Role and technique
30. Disease management: Are nurses ready?
Section 4 Quality Improvement
Nursing’s role in achieving quality health care systems
31. Institute of Medicine Recommendations: Can we meet the challenges?
32. Nursing care priority area: Patient safety
33. Leadership by example: Resources for nurses in health system process improvements
34. Nursing care priority area: Prevention
35. Nursing care priority area: Chronic
36. Nursing care priority area: Frailty, palliative, end of life
Section 5 Governance
Challenges to nursing leadership in a changing nursing practice world
37. Who should provide nursing care?
38. Leadership in transition in acute-care hospitals
39. Nursing employment issues: Unions, mandatory overtime, patient staff ratios
40. Shared governance models in nursing: What is shared, who governs, and who benefits
Section 6 Health Care Systems
System reform: Opportunity or threat?
41. From a medical care system for a few to a comprehensive health care system for all
42. Business coalitions: Defining, purchasing and providing health care
43. The challenge: Participate in the era of politics – chose an ideology and lead
44. The corporatization of health care: Mergers and acquisitions
45. Nurse practitioners: Issues within a managed care environment
46. Contracting for nursing services
47. Magnet hospitals: Gold standard for nursing excellence
Section 7 Health Care Costs
A concern for costs
48. Controlling health care costs: Is there an answer?
49. Managed care, prospective payment, and reimbursement trends: Impact and implications for nursing
50. The costs of home healthcare: Changes and challenges
51. Reimbursement for alternative providers
52. Impact of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
53. Drugs are too cheap
Section 8 Role Challenges, Collaboration, & Conflict
Colleagues and conflict
54. Collaboration issues between nurses and physicians
55. Feminism and nursing: Reclaiming Nightingale’s vision
56. Entering collegial relationships: The demise of nurse as victim
57. Health professions in community-based settings: A collaborative journey
58. Some reflections on conflict resolution in nursing: The implications of negotiating at an uneven table
Section 9 Cultural Diversity
Diversity in nursing: A United States challenge
59. Why isn't nursing more diversified?
60. Minority representation in nursing: Is cultural competency in nursing achievable and when?
61. Nursing at the crossroads: Men in nursing
62. Bridging cultures: African Americans and nursing
63. Narrowing the health disparities gap: Asian and Pacific Islanders and nursing
64. Bridging cultures: Hispanic/Latinos and nursing
65. Bridging cultures: American Indians and nursing
Section 10 Ethics, Legal, and Social Issues
Ethical and legal concerns in a changing health care world
66. Ethics of health care reform: Should health care be rationed
67. The nurse as patient advocate: Is there a conflict of interest?
68. Ethical issues and resources for nurses across the continuum
69. Sexual harassment
70. Health care for poor and underserved
71. Legal, ethical, and moral considerations in caring of individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease
72. Advance directives: Promoting self-determination or hampering autonomy
73. Managed care and the violation of ethical principles: Research vignettes
74. Learning a practice of uncertainty: Clinical ethics and the nurse
Section 11 Violence prevention and care: Nursing’s role
Violence: Nursing’s expanding role in prevention and care
75. Child maltreatment: Developmental and health effects
76. Child neglect prevention: Nursing’s pivotal role
77. I find myself at therapy’s doorstep - Care of African American women survivors of intimate partner violence
78. Nursing care: Victims of violence-elder mistreatment
79. Nursing care: Preventive gun safety
80. Nursing care during terrorist events
81. Nursing practice in homeland security
82. Nursing in wars
83. Bioterrorism and emerging infections: Emergency preparedness for nurses
84. Nursing care: Combat - jungles to deserts
Section 12 International Nursing
Nursing: A global view
85. Nursing in Southern Africa: An overview of health care and nursing education and practice
86. Nursing in Canada: An overview of health care and nursing education and practice
87. Nursing in Britain: An overview of health care and nursing education and practice
88. Nursing in Japan: Meeting the healthcare challenges of the 21st century
89. Nursing in Latin America: An overview of health care and nursing education and practice
90. Nursing in Russia: An overview of health care and nursing education and practice
91. Nursing in The Gambia: An overview of health care and nursing education and practice