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Pediatric Physical Therapy Hardbound
Jan S Tecklin MS, PT Availability:
Edition: Fourth
ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-5399-9
Pub Date: October 2007
Pages: 680
Illustrations: 227
Trim Size: 8 x 10
團體另有優惠請電 02-27332592
The Fourth Edition of Pediatric Physical Therapy provides a comprehensive introduction to the major diseases and disabilities common to children who require physical therapy and the examination and interventions commonly employed in their rehabilitation. This book presents basic medical information regarding common clinical diagnostic categories, followed by physical therapy evaluation, treatment and special issues within each diagnostic group. It features additional coverage on the development of the musculoskeletal, neurological and neuromuscular, cardiac, and pulmonary systems which conforms to the APTA's Guide to Physical Therapy Practice.
Case studies to enhance learning process found online at http://thepoint.lww.com/tecklin4e.
Four all-new chapters: Pediatric Physical Therapy, Cultural Sensitivity and Family-Centered Care; Traumatic Injury to the Central Nervous System: Spinal Cord Injury; Traumatic Disorders and Sports Injuries; and Cardiac Disorders
Extensive revisions to incorporate a number of important developments in the profession, including emphasis on evidence-based practice regarding examination and treatment of children
More emphasis on clinical decision-making, by including case studies throughout the book, in order to enable students to understand and work through the process of patient examination
Additional coverage on the development of body systems including musculoskeletal, neurological and neuromuscular, cardiac, and pulmonary. This conforms to the APTA's Guide to Physical Therapy Practice.
Boxes regarding the nutritional needs of children with the diseases and disorders
Improved design and art program including many new illustrations and visual information displays