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A System of Orthopaedic Medicine with CD-Rom, 2nd Edition(已缺書)
- 編號: 0443073708
- 作者:Ludwig Ombregt
- 原價-7560    - (熱賣價)6760      - 節省 ↓11%
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- 內容介紹
A System of Orthopaedic Medicine with CD-Rom, 2nd Edition
Ludwig Ombregt MD, Medical Practitioner and International Lecturer in Orthopaedic Medicine, Kanegem, Belgium
Pierre Bisschop PT, Physiotherapist specialist and International Lecturer in Orthopaedic Medicine, Knesslare, Belgium
Herman J. ter Veer , Physiotherapist specialist in Orthopaedic Medicine and Manual Therapist, Deventer, The Netherlands
ISBN 0443073708 · Hardback · 1360 Pages · 1322 Illustrations
Churchill Livingstone · Published December 2002
A System of Orthopaedic Medicine has established itself as an essential reference source for all those working in the field of musculoskeletal disorders. It describes a logical system of clinical examination of all musculoskeletal structures. By carefully following the examination sequence described, the clinician can be confident of arriving at an accurate diagnosis around which to plan the appropriate treatment. Originally based on the approach to orthopaedic medicine developed by James Cyriax, the book is relevant to any clinician concerned with the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal pain. The system relies entirely on basic clinical skills and requires none of the apparatus usually found only in hospitals. For this reason it will be of particular value to family doctors, physiotherapists, rheumatologists, orthopaedic surgeons and those working in sports medicine.

The treatments described are simple and have proved their effectiveness through time. For any treatment to be successful, accurate diagnosis must be followed by carefully focused therapy to the affected area. For this reason, considerable detail is given on palpation of the anatomical structures and the correct performance of each therapeutic technique.

The accurate assessment of the cause of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction is one of the biggest challenges for clinicians today. In a society where everyone now wants to remain fit and active well into old age, practitioners and therapists are expected to be able to identify the cause of every ache and pain and then correct it. While this may not always be possible, those using this book will find that it helps them to identify the source of the problem more quickly and surely. A System of Orthopaedic Medicine is a book that no practitioner concerned with providing the most appropriate treatment and rehabilitation program for musculoskeletal disorders should ignore.


A logical, step-by-step approach to examination and assessment
Fully comprehensive - the entire musculoskeletal system is addressed
Summary charts and tables facilitate quick reference and easy revision
Plentiful illustrations, both line diagrams and photographs, supplement and further clarify the text
Differential diagnosis flow-charts summarise the deductive thought sequence which should be followed for each joint examination
2-colour printing throughout
Spacious page layout ensures that the illustrations are placed close to the relevant passages of text
FREE accompanying CD-ROM includes video clips of the examination and assessment techniques being described
Extensively referenced and fully up to date
Written by well-known international authors who are all experienced clinicians.

What's New

Extensive revisions throughout
New chapter on the interpretation of clinical findings
55 new photographs and 180 new line drawings
Flow charts redesigned for easier interpretation
References fully updated


Section 1. General Principles
Pain. Pressure on nerves. Connective tissue. Clinical diagnosis of soft tissue lesions. General principles of treatment.
Section 2. The cervical spine
Applied anatomy of the cervical spine. Clinical examination of the cervical spine. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the cervical spine. Mechanical disorders. Non-mechanical disorders. Other disorders. Whiplash injury. Treatment.
Section 3. The shoulder
Applied anatomy of the shoulder. Clinical examination of the shoulder. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the inert structures. Disorders of the contractile structures. Disorders associated with a painful arc. A vascular disorder: subclavian steal syndrome.
Section 4. The shoulder girdle
Applied anatomy of the shoulder girdle. Clinical examination of the shoulder girdle. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the inert structures. Disorders of the contractile structures. Disorders of the nerve tissue.
Section 5. The elbow
Applied anatomy of the elbow. Clinical examination of the elbow. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the inert structures. Disorders of the contractile structures.
Section 6. The wrist, thumb and hand
Applied anatomy of the wrist, thumb and hand. Clinical examination of the wrist, thumb and hand. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the lower radioulnar joint. Disorders of the wrist. Disorders of the thumb. Disorders of the hand and fingers.
Section 7. Nerve Lesions and entrapment neuropathies of the upper limb
Nerve lesions and entrapment neuropathies of the upper limb
Section 8. The thoracic spine
Applied anatomy of the thorax and abdomen. Clinical examination of the thoracic spine. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the thoracic spine: disc lesions. Disorders of the thoracic spine: non-disc lesions. Disorders of the thoracic cage and abdomen. Ankylosing spondylitis of the thorax.
Section 9. The temporomandibular joint
Applied anatomy of the temporomandibular joint. Clinical examination of the temporomandibular joint. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the temporomandibular joint.
Section 10. The lumbar spine
Introduction to the lumbar spine. Applied anatomy of the lumbar spine. Ageing of the lumbar spine. The dural concept. The ligamentous concept. The stenotic concept. Clinical examination of the lumbar spine. Interpretation of findings. Mechanical disorders of the lumbar spine: differential diagnosis. Non-mechanical disorders of the lumbar spine. Treatment of the lumbar spine.
Section 11. The sacroiliac joint and coccyx
Applied anatomy of the sacroiliac joint. Clinical examination of the sacroiliac joint. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the sacroiliac joint. Anatomy and disorders of the coccyx.
Section 12. The hip and buttock
Applied anatomy of the hip and buttock. Clinical examination of the hip and buttock. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the inert structures. Disorders of the contractile structures. Hip disorders in children. Summary of hip pain.
Section 13. The knee
Applied anatomy of the knee. Clinical examination of the knee. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the inert structures: capsular and non-capsular patterns. Disorders of the inert structures: ligaments. Disorders of the contractile structures. Differential diagnosis of lesions at the knee.
Section 14. The lower leg, ankle and foot
Applied anatomy of the lower leg, ankle and foot. Clinical examination of the lower leg, ankle and foot. Interpretation of findings. Disorders of the lower leg. Disorders of the ankle and subtalar joints. Disorders of the midtarsal joints. Disorders of the forefoot and toes.
Section 15. Nerve lesions and entrapment neuropathies of the lower limb
Nerve lesions and entrapment neuropathies of the lower limb.
Section 16. Psychogenic Pain
Psychogenic pain.
Appendix: Teaching facilities.
Accompanying CDRom in dual format (Mac/PC)
CDRom containsapprox 30 mins of video clips demonstrating the investigations described in the text. The text is flagged at the appropriate points to direct the reader as to when there is a video clip to support what is written in the book. The CDRom also cross refers back to the relevant pages in the text.

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