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The Infectious Complications of Renal Disease
PAUL SWENY, ROBERT RUBIN, and NINA TOLKOFF-RUBIN, both at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Pub Date :2004
This book covers the whole range of infections that patients at all stages of renal disease may encounter for example acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, peritoneal dialysis, haemodialysis and transplantation. The diabetic with renal disease merits a separate chapter. As far as is possible a clinical chapter is balanced by a chapter dealing with pathophysiology.
The book is divided in to three sections: 1)Basic Mechanisms, 2)Infectious complications of common renal conditions, renal failure and transplantation, 3)Prevention and management.
384 pp.; 37 line drawings & 4 halftones; 0-19-263294-9
The uraemic condition as a state of immunosupression is discussed to set the set the scene for why renal patients are prone to so many diverse infections. Increasingly potent immunosupressive drugs are being deployed in a variety of primary conditions and also to prevent renal allograft rejection. The mechanisms by which these drugs predispose to infection are discussed. A chapter deals specifically with peritoneal defence mechanisms of critical importance in the management of infection complicating continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.