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A Guide to Treatments That Work
by Peter Nathan (Editor), Jack M. Gorman (Editor)
Hardcover - 732 pages 2nd edition (January 2002)
Oxford University Press; ISBN: 0195140729
Editorial Reviews
From Book News, Inc.
Numerous psychologists and psychiatrists, most of whom work in the US, collaborate on 28 articles about psychopharmacological or psychosocial treatments of DSM-IV categories for which there are known treatments. Contributors were asked to present the most rigorous, scientifically based evidence for the efficacy of the treatments. As a result, readers can distinguish between those treatments that have been scientifically validated and those that are felt to be of value but have not been properly examined scientifically. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Book Description
This invaluable reference provides the results of a high-level task force created by the American Psychological Association--the largest professional society for psychologists in the United States--for the purpose of assessing the efficacy of therapeutic interventions for each of the major clinical disorders. The volume brings together all the outcome data and clinical trials, describing what works, what doesn't and what is not known. Among the disorders discussed are depression, anxiety,... read more