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Diseases of the Skin, 2nd Edition - A Color Atlas and Text
By Gary M. White, MD and Neil H. Cox, BSc, FRCP
752 pages 2312 ills
Trim size 9 13/16 X 12 1/16 in
Copyright 2006
This invaluable resource examines clinical features, diagnosis, laboratory investigations, and treatment for all skin disorders, both common and rare. More than 2,000 outstanding full-color illustrations and a new Image Bank on CD-ROM offer readers invaluable diagnostic assistance by depicting how diseases present in real life.
“A valuable reference for practicing dermatologists, dermatology residents, and primary care physicians …A one-stop reference for excellent pictures and informative text.”—Archives of Dermatology “The photographs are of uniformly excellent quality and have been selected well …This tome is a tour-de-force and a credit to both the authors and the publishers. It can be warmly recommended to its target audience of general practitioners, trainee dermatologists and general physicians as an outstanding and practical atlas of skin diseases.” —British Journal of Dermatology
Key Features
Discusses the full range of conditions, including ethnic skin, pediatric dermatology, the genoderma-toses, HIV, drug reactions, and diseases of pregnancy.
Help readers find answers to their clinical questions quickly with a consistent organization and concise writing the provides exactly the right amount of information to make an informed diagnosis.
New to this Edition
Collects valuable management guidance together in a single new chapter, “Overview of Treatment”.
Makes clinical guidance even easier to find with 100 new summary, tips and pitfalls, and practice points boxes.
Features a bonus CD-ROM that includes all the images from the book, a slide-making package, and a tool to group images according to diagnosis
Table of Contents
1 Fundamental Dermatology and Terminology
2 Approach to the Patient
3 Eczema and Related Disorders
4 Psoriasis and Related Disorders
5 Lichen Planus and Lichenoid Disorders
6 Urticaria and Pruritus
7 Acne, Rosacea, and Related Disorders
8 Inflammatory Disorders and Cutaneous Infiltrates
9 Drug Eruptions
10 Collagen Vascular Diseases
11 Vasculitis and Related Disorders
12 Vascular Disorders
13 Cutaneous Signs of Systemic Conditions and Dermatoses of Pregnancy
14 Blistering Disorders
15 Pediatric Dermatology
16 Oral and Genital Disorders
17 Pigmentary Disorders
18 Photodermatology and Photodermatoses
19 Structural Disorders of the Skin, Cartilage, and Subcutaneous Tissues
20 Disorders and Tumors of Skin Appendages
21 Bacterial Infections
22 Viral Infections
23 Fungal Infections
24 Infestations and Tropical Disorders
25 Disorders of Hair
26 Nails
27 Benign Non-Melanocytic Tumors
28 Melanocytes, Nevi, and Melanoma
29 Malignant and Premalignant Epidermal Neoplasia
30 Other Malignant Tumors
31 Overview of Treatment