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Women's Dermatology : From Infancy to Maturity
Edited by: Sarah Brenner, Lawrence C. Parish, Marcia Ramos e Silva
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1850700869
Pub Date: 11 NOV 2004
Type: Hardback Book
Representing a unique and important initiative in the study of cutaneous medicine, Women's Dermatology takes the reader through all aspects of skin disorders as they affect women, from basic concepts and general topics to specific considerations, such as culture, menstrually-related conditions, and drug abuse. It is an authoritative clinical reference that describes both normal and pathologic skin of the female patient throughout the natural course of life. Contents:
The Skin of Girls and Women throughout the Ages, Sarah Bakewell
Psychodermatology of Girls and Women, Caroline S. Koblenzer
The Examination of Girls and Women, Sarah C.F. Rogers
Gynecologic Examination, Vincenzina Bruni and Leonardo Magnani
Structure and Function of the Skin, Ilaria Ghersetich, Claudio Comacchi, Beatrice Bianchi, and Torello M. Lotti
The Newborn Girl, Daniel Wallach
The Girl and the Adolescent, Joseph A. Witkowski and Lawrence Charles Parish
The Adult Woman, Rebecca C. Tung and Wilma F. Bergfeld
The Mature Adult, Tania Ferreira Cestari and Beatriz Moritz Trope
Genodermatoses, Barukh Mevorah, Aryeh Metzker, and Yael Politi
Other Syndromes, Marcio Rutowitsch
Disorders of the Sebaceous, Apocrine and Eccrine Glands, Ethel Tur
Nail Disorders, Robert Baran