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Tip-Edge Orthodontics
By Richard Parkhouse
200 pp., 650 ills., Copyright 2004
Written by an author with a worldwide reputation as one of the foremost proponents of the Tip-Edge System, this book is a comprehensive introduction to the use of the Tip-Edge orthodontic appliance. The author lectures throughout the US and the rest of the world.
REVIEW OF CURRENT EDITION: "Tip-Edge orthodontics is a text which describes the use, possibilities and clinical advantages of a relatively new appliance system. The design and dynamics of the Tip-Edge bracket are clearly illustrated and described, as are the various auxiliary attachments, bonding and setting up procedures. The book is essentially a ‘hands-on’ practical treatment atlas or manual in which sequences of treatment of the various types of malocclusions are magnificently illustrated in color on high-gloss paper. Clinicians familiar with both the Begg and edgewise techniques may want to consider using the best of both. There is no doubt that excellent results can be achieved using this relatively new appliance. The results shown in the atlas are superb." - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Key Features
Provides a practical introduction to the use of the Tip-Edge technique.
Written by a world leader in the clinical development of the Tip-Edge technique.
Describes the three stages of treatment in detail with the help of line diagrams.
Illustrates the scope of the technique with actual case histories that demonstrate the treatment of cases of greater difficulty that can be handled by conventional appliances.
Includes superior color illustrations throughout.
Outlines the technique for the complete beginner, but contains finer points of technique for the experienced user.
Describes the technique from the viewpoint of someone using the straight wire appliance used by most orthodontists, and compares Tip-Edge with the straight wire appliance throughout. This makes the technique easier to understand for most eaders who come from a straight wire background.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2. Differential Tooth Movement 3. Dynamics of Tip-Edge 4. Auxiliaries 5. Treatment Stages 6. Bonding and Setting Up 7. Stage 1 8. Setting Up Stage 1 9. Stage 1 Checks 10. Power Tipping 11. Stage 2 12. Setting Up Stage 2 13. Stage 2 Checks 14. Stage 3 15. Stage 3 Archwires 16. Stage 3: Setting the Torque 17. Stage 3: Fitting the Archwires 18. Stage 3 Checks 19. Precision Finishing 20. The Non-Compliant Patient 21. Post Script 22. Treatment Sequence Further Reading
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