◆ Torres and Ehrlich Modern Dental Assisting, 9th Edition |
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- 作者:Doni L. Bird, CDA, RDH, MA |
◆ Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist 3/E 2011 |
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- 作者:Jill S Nield-Gehrig RDH, MA |
◆ Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2nd Edition - 3-Volume Set |
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- 作者:Raymond J. Fonseca, DMD |
◆ Minimally Invasive Treatment, Arrest, and Control of Periodontal Diseases |
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- 作者:Axelsson, Per |
◆ Mathog's Atlas of Craniofacial Trauma 2/E 2012 (書皮小刮傷) |
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- 作者:Robert H Mathog MD |
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