- 內容介紹
Master Dentistry - Restorative Dentistry - Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
Restorative and Paediatric Dentistry
ISBN 0443061939 · Paperback · 388 Pages · 137 Illustrations
Churchill Livingstone · Forthcoming Title (June 2003)
A revision book for dental students in the clinical years of their course, offering a concise text covering the core of the subject with self-assessment questions. Coulthard's Oral Pathology, Surgery and Medicine - Master Dentistry Volume 1 accompanies the series.
Concise text covers the core knowledge essential for final BDS - virtually all other dental books are much more long-winded and unsuitable for revision.
Extensive self testing material enables students to review their knowledge, using both questions which mimic the exam, (short answer and essays), and others which are helpful in self -assessment, (MCQs). Few other such books are available for dental students.
Covers the following important areas - restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry, orthodontics, sedation, law and ethics. The remaining areas of the syllabus are covered in the companion volume by Coulthard
Conservative Dentistry; Endodontics; Prosthodontics; Periodontology; Paedodontics; Orthodontics; Implantology; Dental Sedation; Law and Ethics
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