- 內容介紹
Differential Diagnosis in Ultrasound Imaging
A Teaching Atlas
518 pp, 2,397 illustrations
The sure way to accurate ultrasound diagnosis:
With more than 2,000 illustrations, this one-of-a-kind book offers an entirely new system for using ultrasound imaging to achieve the correct diagnosis quickly and reliably.
Covering the full spectrum of normal and pathologic findings in the human body, the authors -- all experts in the field -- present a color-coded system of more than 250 "drop-down" menus, which lay out all possible diagnoses at a glance and then guide the user swiftly and surely to an accurate diagnosis.
The book's clear layout, flow charts, and text boxes make it possible to approach a diagnosis via different pathways, such as sonographic criteria, or with the most likely diagnosis. The detailed information -- plus all of the images -- required for the correct diagnosis are always at your fingertips.
Organized anatomically, chapters each begin with a handy review of important sonographic characteristics and normal findings. The essential information for each possible abnormal finding follows, along with concise discussions of supplemental techniques, such as B-Mode images, Doppler imaging, and the use of contrast media.
Elegantly crafted, concise, and accessible, Differential Diagnosis in Ultrasound is a tried and tested method for making the most of ultrasound as a highly efficient diagnostic tool.
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--- more |
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