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Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 6th Edition - Text with CD-ROM
By Wallace Peters, MD(London), DSc(London), Docteur Honoris Causa (Universite Rene Descartes, Paris), FRCP, DTM&H and Geoffrey Pasvol, MA (Oxon), MB, ChB, DPhil (Oxon), FRCP, FRCPE
448 pages 1210 ills
Trim size 9 11/16 X 7 7/16 in
Copyright 2007
Increased global travel has changed the way we think about disease distribution. Diseases once considered of localised interest can be disseminated more readily than ever due to the increased speed of international travel. This is your perfect visual guide to diagnosing these diseases. The Sixth Edition of this internationally acclaimed atlas is the most comprehensive ever, with extensively revised text and more than 1200 stunning images.
"This book is a visual treat. This is a well-constructed book where the authors have decided to structure the information on the mechanism of transmission of the disease. This allows for a sensible consistency in presentation which may not please those who like a breakdown of disease on the basis of the type of organism or organ affected. The authors have gone to great effort to include the range of issues related to these diseases and their choice of images provides a good way for visual learning about a condition, eg. children holding urine samples showing haematuria linked to schistosomiasis and the range of histopathology images. This is the complete opposite of a 'dry' text with informative images falling off the page. The more that I delved into this book the more I started to enjoy it and learn. The book is structured on the basis of the mechanism of transmission of the disease, a practical and sensible way which should make it easier for someone coming to tropical medicine to learn the range of conditions. The published visual images are broad ranging and very informative. If you are a visual learner this book would represent a good investment." BMA Awards 2007 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS EDITION:
"For those requiring essential information on tropical medicine or ID, first call should be this book." Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Key Features
See the latest on such infections as the H5N1 strain of avian flu and West Nile Virus.
Catch up with expanded coverage of the continuing of HIV/AIDS and related infections.
Find information quicker and more easily with a new consistent chapter organisation.
Get even more comprehensive visual coverage with hundreds of new, full-colour images.
Use all of the book's 1200+ images to illustrate your PowerPoint presentations with the enclosed bonus CD-ROM.
Table of Contents
1. Arthropod-borne Infections
2. Soil-mediated Helminthiases
3. Snail-mediated Helminthiases
4. Infections Acquired Through the Gastrointestinal Tract
5. Airborne Infections
6. Sexually Transmitted Diseases including HIV/AIDS
7. Other Infections Acquired Through the Skin and Mucous Membranes
8. Poisonous animals
9. Nutritional Disorders
10. Miscellaneous Disorders
11. Bibliography