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Travel Medicine
By Jay S. Keystone, MD, MSC, (CTM), FRCPC, Phyllis E. Kozarsky, MD, David O. Freedman, MD, Hans D. Nothdurft , MD and Bradley A. Connor, MD
608 pp., 530 ills., Copyright 2004
A team of international experts examines all aspects of travel medicine - from immunizations and pre-travel advice for adults and children to the essentials of post-travel screening. Over 530 illustrations (and algorithms) facilitate understanding of key concepts and provide quick access to essential information. A CD-ROM - included with the book - presents all of the full-color illustrations from the text in a downloadable PowerPoint format, as well as electronic versions of patient guidelines and patient forms.
Key Features
BONUS CD-ROM: features entire text and downloadable illustrations.
Discusses common travel illnesses including traveler's diarrhea and malaria.
Addresses environmental problems such as altitude sickness, extremes in temperatures, and sun exposure.
Explains every aspect of establishing and running a travel clinic.
Provides practical guidance for patients with pre-existing conditions and special needs.
Offers full-chapter coverage of today's hot topics: Starting, Organizing and Marketing a Travel Clinic • Insect Protection • Malaria: Chemoprophylaxis • Telemedicine •Safety and Security Issues • Travel and the Elderly • and Emerging Issues.
Presents "Practice Points" and case histories for nearly every clinical situation, drawing upon practice-proven experience.
Includes a glossary of common tropical diseases.
Table of Contents
Section 1: The Practice of Travel Medicine
1. Introduction to Travel Medicine
2. Epidemiology: morbidity and mortality in travelers
3. Starting, organizing and marketing a travel clinic
4. Sources of travel medicine information
Section 2: The Pre-Travel Consultation
5. Structure and organization of the pre-travel consultation and general advice for travelers
6. Water disinfection for international travelers
7. Insect protection
8. Travel medical kits
Section 3: Immunization
9. Principles of immunization
10. Adult immunization
11. Pediatric immunization
Section 4: Malaria
12. Malaria: Epidemiology and the risk to the traveler
13. Chemoprophylaxis of malaria
14. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment of malaria
15. Approach to the patient with malaria
Section 5: Traveler’s Diarrhea
16. Epidemiology of traveler’s diarrhea
17. Prevention of traveler’s diarrhea
18. Clinical presentation of traveler’s diarrhea
19. Self treatment and treatment of traveler’s diarrhea
Section 6: Travelers with special needs
20. The pregnant or breastfeeding traveler
21. The pediatric, neonatal and adolescent travelers
22. The elderly traveler
23. The disabled traveler
24. Travelers with pre-existing disease
25. The immunocompromised traveler
26. The traveler with HIV
27. The corporate short-stay traveler
28. Internation adoption
29. Visiting friends and relatives
Section 7: Travelers with special itineraries
30. Expats
31. Expedition medicine
32. Remote destinations
33. The health–seeking traveler
Section 8: Psychological aspects of travel medicine
34. Fear of flying
35. Psychiatric disorders and psychiatric emergencies overseas
36. Cultural adaptation
37. Re-entry after long term travel/living abroad
Section 9: Environmental aspects of travel medicine
38. Altitude
39. Diving and marine medicine
40. Extremes of temperature and hydration
41. Sun-associated problems
42. Jet lag
43. Motion sickness
44. Environmental issues in travel medicine
45. Aircraft cabin environment
Section 10: Health problems while traveling
46. Bites, stings and evenomation
47. Food borne illness
48. Injuries and injury prevention
49. Healthcare abroad
50. Personal security and crime avoidance
Section 11: Post-travel care
51. Post-travel screening
52. Fever
53. Skin diseases
54. Travel diarrhea
55. Eosinophilia
56. Respiratory diseases
57. Emerging problems in travel medicine
Glossary: Tropical medicine for the travel medicine practitioner
Appendix: Body of knowledge for the practice of travel medicine
Author Information
By Jay S. Keystone, MD, MSC, (CTM), FRCPC , Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto; Staff Physician, Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; Phyllis E. Kozarsky, MD, Professor of Medicine, Infectious Diseases; Chief, Travelers' Health and Tropical Medicine Section, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA; David O. Freedman, MD, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology/Internal Health, Division of Geographic Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Director, University of Alabama Travelers Health Clinic, Birmingham, AL, USA; Hans D. Nothdurft , MD, Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine; Head, University Travel Clinic, University of Munich, Munich, Germany; and Bradley A. Connor, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; Medical Director, The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, New York, NY, USA; President, International Society of Travel Medicine