Clinical Paediatric Nephrology
Third Edition
Edited by Nicholas Webb and Robert Postlethwaite, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Manchester, UK
608 pp.; numerous halftones & line drawings; 0-19-263287-6
Published 2003
1. The Child with abnormal urinalysis , haematuria and /or proteinuria
2. Disorders of fluid and electrolyte balance
3. The approach to a child with metabolic acidosis or alkalosis
4. Disorders of mineral metabolism and nephrolithiasis
5. Renal tubular disorders
6. Imaging in paediatric nephrology
7. How and when to measure blood pressure
8. The child with hypertension
9. Disorders of micturition
10. Neuropath bladder :identification , investigation , and management
11. The child with urinary tract infection
12. Common urological problems
13. Antenatal detection of renal anomalies
14. Antenatal renal problems : management in the postnatal period
15. The neonate with renal disease
16. Inherited renal disease and genetic counseling
17. Renal malformations and renal involvement in syndromes
18. Clinical presentation and evaluation of cystic disease
19. The child with idiopathic nephritic syndrome
20. The child with acute nephritic syndrome
21. Renal manifestations of systemic disorders
22. The child with acute renal failure
23. The management of chronic and end stage renal failure in children
24. Psychosocial care of children and their families
25. Meeting the information needs of children and their families
26. Practical guidelines for drug prescribing in children with renal disease