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Cowell and Tyler's Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat, 4th Edition
By Amy C. Valenciano, DVM, MS, DACVP and Rick L. Cowell, DVM, MS, MRCVS, DACVP
592 Pages
Trim Size: 8 3/4 X 11 1/16 in
Imprint: Mosby
ISBN: 978-0-323-08707-0
Copyright: 2014
Highly respected in the field, Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Dog and Cat is the complete resource for developing the knowledge and skills you need for clinical laboratory diagnostics. Detailed illustrations and descriptions of cytologic and hematologic samples allow you to diagnose both common and uncommon diseases in dogs and cats. Microscopic evaluation techniques and interpretation guidelines for organ tissue, blood, and other body fluid specimens give you a basic understanding of sample collection and specimen preparation. In addition, algorithms are generously distributed throughout the text, helping you evaluate various cytologic preparations.
New to This Edition
NEW! Four new chapters - The Adrenal Gland, Immunocytochemistry, Flow Cytometry, and Molecular Methods in Lymphoid Malignancies - provide you with detailed information on how these topics relate to clinical disease diagnosis.
NEW! Revised chapters throughout the text give you the most complete and up-to-date coverage of recently recognized conditions, new terminology, and new procedures.
NEW! Callouts highlighting Tips and Pitfalls facilitate quick access and detailed instructions for in-house laboratory evaluation, including specimen preparation and diagnosis, as well as submission and transport of samples for commercial laboratory interpretation.
Key Features
Over 1,300 vivid, high-resolution images help you identify normal vs. abnormal cells, enabling you to make accurate diagnoses.
User-friendly, detailed instructions guide you through in-house laboratory evaluation as well as the submission and transport of samples for culture and commercial laboratory interpretation.
Easy-to-follow algorithms and tables facilitate quick access to necessary information and guide you to the most accurate cytologic diagnosis.
Contributions from nearly 50 academic and diagnostic laboratory experts provide the best and most current information available.
Comprehensive coverage in one all-inclusive resource saves you time.
Published Reviews
This book is already in its 3rd edition. It has become one of the standard books of veterinary diagnostic cytology.
The chapters on collecting material, on the cell types and malignancy criteria, on cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions, on lymph node, and on cerebrospinal fluid have many new pictures and have largely been rewritten. Several algorithms are provided which give helpful guidelines summarising the text. New chapters on selected infectious agents, round cell tumours, the gastrointestinal tract, and pancreas have been added.
In contrast to earlier editions there is no longer a section with separate colour plates. However, no one will miss this as there are already so many pictures included in the separate chapters. The quality of these pictures has further improved and is generally excellent.
Everybody in companion animal clinics who is interested in cytology should have this book on his or her bookshelf. Those who have an earlier version should consider upgrading to this new edition.
European Journal of Companion Animal Practice, August 2008
Who should buy this book? Well certainly veterinary clinicians and students should have one as it provides an excellent source of reference, and I would suggest that every veterinary clinical pathology laboratory and veterinary university library should also ensure they have a copy. It is an excellent and very informative book. I would also recommend it as a valuable text for well-experienced veterinary clinical pathologists. My copy is already heavily in use in the laboratory and in teaching.