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Problem-Based Feline Medicine
Edited by Jacquie Rand, BVSc, DVSc, Dip ACVIM
Approx. 1488 pages Illustrated
Trim size 9 11/16 X 7 7/16 in
Copyright 2007
This focused resource covers all medical conditions that affect cats. Using a unique problem-based approach, it provides essential information for assessing presenting symptoms, reaching a differential diagnosis, and selecting the appropriate course of treatment for feline patients. A consistent format makes it easy to find information related to key signs and possible causative factors (graded to indicate how common each is), diagnosis, differential diagnosis (including tests where appropriate), treatment, prognosis, and prevention (where applicable) for each clinical condition.
Key Features
Unique problem-based approach discusses how to make a problem-based diagnosis.
Concise, logical format makes this resource ideal for quick reference in the clinical setting.
Covers every condition likely to be encountered in cats worldwide.
Features a strong international contributor list of feline experts from North America, UK, Europe, and Australia
A comprehensive drug formulary lists all drug treatments available for cats.
A separate chapter on drugs in cats lists the problems veterinarians might encounter due to differences in feline metabolism.
Table of Contents
1. How to make a problem-based diagnosis
Upper Respiratory Tract
2. The cat with acute sneezing or nasal discharge
3. The cat with chronic nasal discharge
4. The cat with stridor
Lower Respiratory Tract
5. The dyspneic or tachypneic cat
6. The cat with hydrothorax
7. The coughing cat
8. The cyanotic cat
9. The cat with abnormal heart sounds
10. The cat with tachycardia, bradycardia ot an irregular rhythm
11. The cat with and enlarged heart
Urinary Tract
12. The cat straining to urinate
13. The incontinent cat
14. The cat with discoloured urine
15. The cat with inappropriate urination
16. The cat with polyuria or polydipsia
Acute Illness
17. The cat with acute depression, anorexia or dehydration
Weight Loss or Chronic Illness
18. The cat with weight loss or chronic illness
19. The thin, inappetent cat
Miscellaneous Problems
20. The pyrexic cat
21. The cat with enlarged lymph nodes
22. The yellow cat or cat with increased liver enzymes
23. The cat with abdominal distension or abdominal fluid
24. The bleeding cat
Abnormal Laboratory Data
25. The anaemic cat
26. The polycythemic cat
27. The cat with electrolyte or acid-base problems
28. The cat with hyperlipidemia
Gastrointestinal Tract
29. The salivating cat
30. The cat with bad breath or oral lesions
31. The regurgitating cat
32. The cat with acute vomiting
33. The cat with chronic vomiting
34. The cat with acute diarrhea
35. The cat with chronic small bowel diarrhea
36. The cat with chronic large bowel diarrhea
37. The constipated or straining cat
38. The cat with seizures, circling and/or changed behaviour
39. The cat with stupor or coma
40. The cat with a head tilt or nystagmus
41. The cat with a tremor or twitching
42. The cat with anisicoria or abnormally dilated or constricted pupils
43. The cat with ventroflexion of the neck
Abnormal Gait
44. The weak and ataxic cat or paralysed cat
45. The hypermetric and ataxic cat without weakness
46. The cat with generalised weakness
47. The lame cat
Behavioural Problems
48. The aggressive cat
49. The cat with anxiety-related behaviour problems
Skin Problems
50. The cat with miliary dermatitis or pruritis
51. The cat with alopecia
52. The cat with skin lumps or bumps
53. The cat with non-healig lesions
54. The cat with paw or pad problems
Reproductive and Neonatal
55. The fading kitten / neonate
56. The infertile Queen
57. The cat with vaginal discharge
58. The blind cat or cat with retinal lesions
59. The cat with a red globe
60. The cat with ocular discharge or changed conjunctival appearance
61. The cat with abnormalities confined to the cornea
62. The cat with a cloudy eye
63. The cat with an abnormal pupil size or pupil response
64. The cat with changed iris appearance
65. The cat with abnormal globe position or size
66. The cat with changed eyelid appearance
67. The cat with an abnormal third eyelid
68. Special considerations related to drug use in cats
69. Drug formulary