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Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians, 8th Edition
By Dwight D Bowman, MS, PhD
432 pages, 1 ills,
Trim size 7 1/4 X 10 1/4 in,
Copyright 2003
Saunders Title
The latest edition of this extensive text provides the most current information on all parasites commonly encountered in veterinary medicine. High-quality illustrations help readers identify and treat parasites of every kind. A discussion of dog and cat parasites examines the prevalence of infections caused by hookworms and roundworms despite the wide range of preventative treatments on the market. This edition features new and revised material on arthropods, protozoans, helminths, antiparasitic drugs, diagnostic parasitology, and histopathological diagnosis.
“New to the eighth edition is a table of scientific names and the roots from which they were derived. This table, listed on the inside front and back covers for easy access, should make it easier to learn the many scientific names encountered in the book. The book is packed with valuable information for veterinary practitioners engaged in the treatment and prevention of parasitic infections and infestations. The book is a very readable and a useful reference, covering important parasites and diseases encountered in veterinary practice. Just as the title suggests, it presents the essential knowledge base of parasitology for veterinarians.” -Veterinary Pathology 42:2, 2005
Key Features
Common parasites of domestic cats, dogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and swine are identified and discussed.
Hundreds of illustrations aid in identification of the different parasites.
References are provided for all chapters.
Updated material covers the continuous, marked changes in veterinary parasitology, allowing for more immediate and accurate diagnosis of disease and abnormalities – such as the source of the oocysts parasite that has caused so many bovine abortions.
Contributions by the top experts in the parasitology field supply the most accurate and up-to-date information.
The easy-to-follow chapter format, with six main topics with outlines in each chapter, present quick, detailed overviews of specific topics.
New to this Edition
Several new tables allow quick access to detailed information – specifically on the life stages and times associated with helminth parasites, dipterans, lice, and fleas.
Printed end sheets with a list of Greek and Latin roots make it easier to learn many of the names that appear in the text.
A discussion of the honeybee as a host highlights this important colonizer and its effect on animal agriculture.
Extensive updates on veterinary pharmaceutical products for animal parasites are included, with quick-reference tables new to this edition.
A separate chapter on histological diagnosis by Dr. Mark Eberhard – an expert in the identification of parasites in histological sections offers advice for identifying parasites in this type of material.
An appendix of Antiparasite Products by Species is included for easy reference.
Table of Contents
Introduction Chapter 1 Arthropods Chapter 2 Protozoans Chapter 3 Helminths Chapter 4 Antiparasitic Drugs Chapter 5 Diagnostic Parasitology Chapter 6 Histopathological Diagnosis Appendices Anitparasite Products by Species Index