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Manual of Small Animal Internal Medicine, 2nd Edition
By Richard W. Nelson, DVM, Dipl ACVIM and C. Guillermo Couto, DVM
Approx. 976 pages, Copyright 2005
This quick reference manual covers major assessment, diagnostic, and treatment protocols for common diseases of dogs and cats. It logically presents common disorders by body system and has a distinctive approach that enables students and practitioners to make diagnoses based on clinical signs. Features extensive cross-references to Small Animal Internal Medicine for more detailed discussions of relevant anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, and more.
Key Features
Focuses on key information related to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of common medical conditions in dogs and cats
Features over 290 tables highlighting key information such as etiology, clinical signs, differential diagnosis, and treatment regimens
Extensive page cross-references to the parent text — Small Animal Internal Medicine — direct readers to more detailed information on key topics
New to this Edition
Includes a new chapter on therapeutic diets
Features a new chapter on assessment of reproductive problems
All content, including diagnostic tools, treatment modalities, references, and more, have been completely updated, to correspond with the latest edition of Small Animal Internal Medicine
Includes a new glossary of key terms, conveniently located in the front of book
Table of Contents
Part One — Cardiovascular System Disorders 1. The Cardiovascular Examination 2. Diagnostic Tests for the Cardiovascular System 3. Management of Congestive Heart Failure 4. Cardiac Rhythm Disturbances and Antiarrhythmic Therapy 5. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 6. Myocardial Diseases of the Dog 7. Myocardial Diseases of the Cat 8. Acquired Valvular and Endocardial Diseases 9. Common Congenital Cardiac Anomalies 10. Heartworm Disease 11. Pericardial Diseases and Cardiac Tumors 12. Systemic Arterial Hypertension Part Two — Respiratory System Disorders 13. Clinical Manifestations of Nasal Disease 14. Diagnostic Tests for the Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses 15. Disorders of the Nasal Cavity 16. Clinical Manifestations of Laryngeal and Pharyngeal Disease 17. Diagnostic Tests for the Larynx and the Pharynx 18. Disorders of the Larynx and Pharynx 19. Clinical Manifestations of Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders 20. Diagnostic Tests for the Lower Respiratory Tract 21. Disorders of the Trachea and Bronchi 22. Disorders of the Pulmonary Parenchyma 23. Clinical Manifestations of Pleural Cavity and Mediastinal Disease 24. Diagnostic Tests for the Pleural Cavity and Mediastinum 25. Disorders of the Pleural Cavity 26. Emergency Management of Respiratory Distress 27. Ancillary Therapy: Oxygen Supplementation and Ventilation Part Three — Digestive System Disorders 28. Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disorders 29. Diagnostic Tests for the Alimentary Tract 30. General Therapeutic Principles 31. Disorders of the Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Esophagus 32. Disorders of the Stomach 33. Disorders of the Intestinal Tract 34. Disorders of the Peritoneum Part Four — Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreatic Disorders 35. Clinical Manifestations of Hepatobiliary Disease 36. Diagnostic Tests for the Hepatobiliary System 37. Hepatobiliary Diseases in the Cat 38. Hepatobiliary Diseases in the Dog 39. Treatment of Complications of Hepatic Failure 40. The Exocrine Pancreas Part Five — Urinary Tract Disorders 41. Clinical Manifestations of Urinary Disorders 42. Diagnostic Tests for the Urinary System 43. Glomerulonephropathies 44. Renal Failure 45. Urinary Tract Infections 46. Canine Urolithiasis 47. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Inflammation 48. Disorders of Micturition Part Six — Endocrine Disorders 49. Disorders of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 50. Disorders of the Parathyroid Gland 51. Disorders of the Thyroid Gland 52. Disorders of the Endocrine Pancreas 53. Disorders of the Adrenal Gland Part Seven — Metabolic And Electrolyte Disorders 54. Disorders of Metabolism 55. Electrolyte Imbalances Part Eight — Reproductive System Disorders 56. Disorders of the Estrous Cycle 57. Disorders of the Vagina and Uterus 58. Disorders of the Mammary Gland 59. False Pregnancy, Disorders of Pregnancy, Parturition, and the Postpartum Period 60. Disorders of Male Fertility 61. Disorders of the Penis, Prepuce, and Testes 62. Disorders of the Prostate Gland 63. Genital Infections and Transmissible Venereal Tumor 64. Artificial Insemination and Frozen Semen Part Nine — Neuromuscular Disorders 65. The Neurologic Examination 66. Diagnostic Tests for the Neuromuscular System 67. Disorders of Locomotion 68. Abnormalities of Mentation, Loss of Vision, and Pupillary Abnormalities 69. Seizures 70. Head Tilt 71. Encephalitis, Myelitis, and Meningitis 72. Disorders of the Spinal Cord 73. Disorders of Peripheral Nerves and the Neuromuscular Junction 74. Disorders of Muscle Part Ten — Joint Disorders 75. Clinical Manifestations of and Diagnostic Tests for Joint Disorders 76. Disorders of the Joints Part Eleven — Oncology 77. Cytology 78. Principles of Cancer Treatment 79. Practical Chemotherapy 80. Complications of Cancer Chemotherapy 81. Approach to the Patient with a Mass 82. Lymphoma in the Cat and Dog 83. Leukemias 84. Selected neoplasms in Dogs and Cats Part Twelve — Hematology and Immunology 85. Anemia 86. Erythrocytosis 87. Leukopenia and Leukocytosis 88. Combined Cytopenias and Leukoerythroblastosis 89. Disorders of Hemostasis 90. Lymphadenopathy and Splenomegaly 91. Hyperproteinemia 92. Immune-Mediated Diseases: Overview and Diagnosis 93. Immunosuppressive Drugs 94. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 95. Fever of Undetermined Origin 96. Recurrent Infections Part Thirteen — Infectious Diseases 97. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases 98. Practical Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 99. Prevention of Infectious Diseases 100. Polysystemic Bacterial Diseases 101. Polysystemic Rickettsial Diseases 102. Polysystemic Viral Diseases 103. Polysystemic Mycotic Diseases 104. Polysystemic Protozoal Infections 105. Zoonoses