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Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs Used in Anesthesia
By Jeffrey K. Aronson
Publisher Elsevier, 2008
ISBN 0444532706, 9780444532701
Length 320 pages
Book overview
Elsevier now offers a series of derivative works based on the acclaimed Meylers Side Effect of Drugs, 15th Edition. These individual volumes are grouped by specialty to benefit the practicing physician or health care clinician.A safe and efficient anesthesia practice requires appropriate drug knowledge. Catastrophes under anesthesia have focused attention on the interaction between drugs, including prescribed and non-prescribed medications, including interactions with vitamins, herbal preparations, traditional remedies, and food supplements.This book summarizes the adverse effects of a large range of drugs used in anesthesia. The material is drawn from the 15 th edition of the internationally renowned encyclopedia, Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs, and the latest volumes in the companion series, Side Effects of Drugs Annuals.This volume is critical for any health professional involved in the administration of anesthesia.Elsevier now offers a series of derivative works based on the acclaimed Meylers Side Effect of Drugs, 15th Edition. These individual volumes are grouped by specialty to benefit the practicing physician or health care clinician.A safe and efficient anesthesia practice requires appropriate drug knowledge. Catastrophes under anesthesia have focused attention on the interaction between drugs, including prescribed and non-prescribed medications, including interactions with vitamins, herbal preparations, traditional remedies, and food supplements.This book summarizes the adverse effects of a large range of drugs used in anesthesia. The material is drawn from the 15 th edition of the internationally renowned encyclopedia, Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs, and the latest volumes in the companion series, Side Effects of Drugs Annuals.This volume is critical for any health professional involved in the administration of anesthesia.Surpasses the Physician's Desk Reference © by including clinical case studies and independent expert analysisComplete index of drug namesMost complete cross referencing of drug-drug interactions availableThe book is divided into three separate sections:General Anesthetics - A general introduction to their adverse effects, followed by monographs on individual inhalational and intravenous anesthetics.Local Anesthetics - A general introduction to their adverse effects including the adverse effects of different routes of administration, followed by monographs on individual local anesthetics.Neuromuscular Blocking Agents and Muscle Relaxants - A general introduction to their adverse effects, followed by monographs on individual agents.Drug names have usually been designated by their recommended or proposed International Non-proprietary Names (rINN or pINN); when those are not available, clinical names have been used. In some cases, brand names have been used.