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Clinical Anesthesia Hardbound
Paul G Barash MD
Bruce F Cullen MD
Robert K Stoelting MD
Michael Cahalan MD
M. Christine Stock MD
Edition: Sixth
ISBN-10: 0-7817-8763-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-8763-5
Pub Date: April 2009
Pages: 1760
Illustrations: 941
Trim Size: 8.5 x 11
The premier single-volume reference in the field of anesthesia, Clinical Anesthesia is now in its Sixth Edition, with thoroughly updated coverage, a new full-color design, and a revamped art program featuring 880 full-color illustrations. More than 80 leading experts cover every aspect of contemporary perioperative medicine in one comprehensive, clinically focused, clear, concise, and accessible volume. Two new editors, Michael Cahalan, MD and M. Christine Stock, MD, join Drs. Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting for this edition.
A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text, plus access to enhanced podcasts that can be viewed on your desktop or downloaded to most Apple and BlackBerry devices.