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Interventional Pain Management: Image-Guided Procedures with DVD, 2nd Edition
By P. Prithvi Raj, MD, Leland Lou, MD, Serdar Erdine, MD, Peter S. Staats, MD, Steven D. Waldman, MD, JD, Gabor Racz, MD, Michael Hammer, MD, David Niv, MD, Ricardo Ruiz-Lopez, MD and James E. Heavner, DVM, PhD
Approx. 560 pages 1600 ills
Trim size 8 1/2 X 11 in
Copyright 2008
Thoroughly revised and reorganized, this 2nd edition offers you meticulous how-to-do-it guidance on performing today’s top radiographically guided regional anesthesia and pain management techniques. Renowned experts explain how to make optimal use of fluoroscopy, MRI, and CT to pinpoint the exact anatomic site for each procedure…and a DVD of video clips shows you how to perform it most effectively.
“This is a very valuable addition to the few well-written books relating to interventional pain management. It is an excellent resource for the trainee as well as for practicing interventional pain physicians.”—Anesthesia & Analgesia, review of the previous edition.
Key Features
Provides fluoroscopic, MR, and CT images coupled with distinct line drawings for each procedure to ensure proper positioning and easy application of techniques.
Offers easy-to-follow step-by-step descriptions addressing every aspect of patient positioning, the use of radiographic solutions for tissue-specific enhancement, and correct techniques for anesthesia/analgesia administration so you can be sure your patient will be pain free throughout the procedure.
Discusses possible complications to help you avoid mistakes.
Includes descriptions of procedures for each image guided technique as well as the approaches available for such imaging so you can choose the correct procedure for every patient.
New to this Edition
Features two new sections Advanced Techniques and Emerging Techniques, incorporates new procedures into the upper and lower extremity and head and neck chapters, and revises all other chapters substantially to put you on the cusp of the latest advances in the field.
Includes a DVD of video clips demonstrating proper patient positioning and difficult procedures showing you exactly how to proceed.
Uses nearly 1,600 crisp illustrations, 50% new to this edition, to illuminate every concept.
Presents a complete reorganization by body region and focused content to help you get to the information you need quickly.
Table of Contents
Foreword, John D. Loeser, Laxmaiah Manchikanti, and Menno E. Sluijter
1. Imaging Techniques, Leland Lou and P. Prithvi Raj
2. Drugs Used in Interventional Techniques, James E. Heavner
3. Thermal and Pulsed Radiofrequency, Jan Van Zundert, Menno Sluijter, and Maarten van Kleef
4. Principles and Mechanisms of Cryoneurolysis, Leland Lou
5. Basic Risk Management for Interventional Procedures, Ken Braxton
6. Somatic Blocks of the Head and Neck, Serdar Erdine, Gabor B. Racz, and Carl E. Noe
7. Sympathetic Blocks of the Head and Neck, Serdar Erdine
8. Spinal Neuroaxial Procedures of the Head and Neck, Michael Hammer, Carl E. Noe, Gabor B. Racz, Ricardo Ruiz-Lopez, and Carmen Pichot
9. Joint Blocks of the Head and Neck, Michael Hammer, Carl E. Noe, and Gabor B. Racz
10. Myofascial Blocks of the Head and Neck, Leland Lou and P. Prithvi Raj
11. Somatic Blocks of the Thorax, Steven D. Waldman
12. Sympathetic Blocks of the Thorax, Serdar Erdine and Gul Koknel Talu
13. Spinal Neuroaxial Procedures of the Thorax, Rcardo Ruiz-Lopez, Carmen Pichot and P. Prithvi Raj
14. Joint Blocks of the Thorax, John W. Nelson
15. Lumbar Somatic Blocks, Steven D. Waldman
16. Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks, David Niv and Michael Gofeld
17. Lumbar Spinal Neuroaxial Procedures, Milton H. Landers, Rodney L. Jones, Richard M. Rosenthal, and Richard Derby
18. Lumbar Joint Blocks, Aaron K. Calodney
19. Lumbar Myofascial Blocks, Lee Ann Paradise, P. Prithvi Raj, and Jason Robert Fryer
20. Pelvic Somatic Blocks, Steven D. Waldman
21. Pelvic Sympathetic Blocks, Serdar Erdine and Suleyman Ozyalcin
22. Pelvic Spinal Neuroaxial Procedures, Gabor B. Racz and Carl E. Noe
23. Sacroiliac Joint Blocks, Lee Ann Paradise and P. Prithvi Raj
SECTION VI. Extremities
24. Somatic Blocks of the Upper Extremity, Lee Ann Paradise, Jason Robert Fryer, and P. Prithvi Raj
25. Joint Blocks of the Upper Extremity, Steven D. Waldman
26. Somatic Blocks of the Lower Extremity, STeven D. Waldman, Lee Ann Paradise, and P. Prithvi Raj
27. Joint Blocks of the Lower Extremity, Lee Ann Paradise, Maurizio Chiriva Internati, and P. Prithvi Raj
28. Percutaneous Stimulation Systems, Peter S. Staats
29. Intrathecal Drug Delivery System, Peter S. Staats
30. Epiduroscopy, James E. Heavner, Hemmo Bosscher, and Susan Adersen
31. Percutaneous Therapeutic Procedures for Disc Lesions, Ricardo Ruiz-Lopez and Carmen Pichot
32. Vertebroplasty, Ricardo Ruiz-Lopez and Carmen Pichot
33. Balloon Kyphoplasty, Ricardo Ruiz-Lopez and Carmen Pichot
34. Cranial Stimulation, Ricardo Ruiz-Lopez and Carmen Pichot
35. Retrograde Pelvic Stimulation, Gabor B. Racz
36. Ultrasound Regional Extremity Techniques, Rose De Andrés and Xavier Sala-Blanch
37. Interventional Pain Practice Equipment and Devices, Jose Rodríguez, Leland Lou, and Steven Loretez