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Flexible Bronchoscopy
Second Edition
Edited By: KoPen Wang, Director, Interventional Bronchology Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Professor of Medicine Chest Diagnostic Center Division of Pulmonary Medicine Harbor Medical Center Baltimore, Maryland
Illustrations: 46
Pages: 304
This completely updated, revised edition of Wang’s Flexible Bronchoscopy discusses the technical and procedural aspects of performing diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy. Authored by some of the leading specialists in the field, this innovative resource features is a must-have for practitioners, interns, and residents.
Part I: Fundamentals of Bronchoscopy
1. Bronchoscopy in the New Millennium - Shigeto Ikeda & Teruomi Miyazawa
2. The Ideal Bronchoscopy Suite - J. Francis Turner, Jr., Joseph Lombardo & Ko-Pen Wang
3. Infection Control and Radiation Safety in the Bronchoscopy Suite - Daniel A. Culver, Omar A. Minai, Steven M. Gordon & Atul C. Mehta
4. Examination of the Larynx Through the Flexible Bronchoscope - David P. Meeker
5. Applied Anatomy of the Airways - Mani S. Kavuru & Atul C. Mehta
6. Anesthesia for Flexible Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy - Mark I. Rossberg & Thomas J. K. Toung
7. Flexible Bronchoscopy Training - Pyng Lee & Atul C. Mehta
8. Indications & Contraindications in Flexible Bronchoscopy - J. Francis Turner, Jr. & Ko-Pen Wang
Part II: Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
9. Bronchoscopy for Airway Lesions - Heinrich D. Becker
10. Bronchoscopic Lung Biopsy - Udaya B. S. Prakash & James P. Utz
11. Bronchoalveolar Lavage - Jeffrey R. Jacobson & Joe G. N. Garcia
12. Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for Cytology and Histology Specimans - Ko-Pen Wang, Atul C. Mehta & J. Francis Turner, Jr.
13. The Utilization Of Autofluorescence in Flexible Bronchoscopy - Annette McWilliams & Stephen Lam
14. Potential and Limitations of Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) - Heinrich D. Becker
Part III: Therapeutic Bronchoscopy
15. Flexible Bronchoscopy and the Use of Lasers - Jaime F. Avecillas & Atul C. Mehta
16. Cryotherapy in Tracheobronchial Disorders by Flexible Bronchoscopy - Ramit K. Sharma & Praveen N. Mathur
17. Endobronchial Electrocautery - Roberto Machado & Atul C. Mehta
18. Endobronchial Brachytherapy - Jack J. Hong, John H. Suh, Karen D. Godette & Min Chul Oh
19. Bronchoscopy in Foreign Body Removal - Albert Lim Rafanan & Atul C. Mehta
20. The Role of Bronchoscopy In Hemoptysis - Sunit R. Patel & James K. Stoller
21. Flexible Bronchoscopy and the Use of Stents - Ko-Pen Wang, Atul C. Mehta & J. Francis Turner, Jr.
22. Photodynamic Therapy - Armin Ernst & Harubumi Kato
23. Balloon Bronchoplasty - Kevin L. Kovitz
Part IV: Special Considerations
24. Rigid Bronchoscopy - J. Francis Turner, Jr. & Ko-Pen Wang
25. Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy for Adult Bronchoscopists - Robert E. Wood