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Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation: Physiological and Clinical Applications, 6e 6th Edition
by J M Cairo PhD RRT (Author)
Paperback: 592 pages
Publisher: Mosby; 6 edition (2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0323320090
ISBN-13: 978-0323320092
Learn everything you need to safely and compassionately care for patients requiring ventilator support with Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation: Physiological and Clinical Applications, 6th Edition. Known for its simple explanations and in-depth coverage of patient-ventilator management, this evidence-based text walks readers through the most fundamental and advanced concepts surrounding mechanical ventilation and guides them in properly applying these principles to patient care. This new edition features a completely revised chapter on ventilator graphics, additional case studies and clinical scenarios, plus all the reader-friendly features that promote critical thinking and clinical application - like key points, AARC clinical practice guidelines, and critical care concepts - that have helped make this text a household name among respiratory care professionals.
UNIQUE! Chapter on ventilator associated pneumonia provides in-depth, comprehensive coverage of this challenging issue.
Brief patient case studies list important assessment data and pose a critical thinking question to readers.
Critical Care Concepts are presented in short questions to engage readers in applying knowledge to difficult concepts.
Clinical scenarios cover patient presentation, assessment data, and treatment options to acquaint readers with different clinical situations.
NBRC exam-style assessment questions at the end of each chapter offer practice for the certification exam.
Key Point boxes highlight need-to-know information.
Logical chapter sequence builds on previously learned concepts and information.
Bulleted end-of-chapter summaries help readers to review and assess their comprehension.
Excerpts of Clinical Practice Guidelines developed by the AARC (American Association for Respiratory Care) make it easy to access important information regarding indications/contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, assessment of outcome, and monitoring.
Chapter outlines show the big picture of each chapter's content.
Glossary of mechanical ventilation terminology includes definitions to highlighted key terms in each chapter.
NEW! Completely revised chapter on ventilator graphics offers a more practical explanation of ventilator graphics and what readers need to know when looking at abnormal graphics.
NEW! Additional case studies and clinical scenarios cover real-life scenarios that highlight the current trends in pathologies in respiratory care.